
In: Math

What is the SST for this set of figures 120.08 30.75 75.86 54.05 81.9 61.83 37.88...

What is the SST for this set of figures

120.08 30.75 75.86 54.05 81.9 61.83 37.88 38.82 78.79 26.4 68.73 36.85 63.83 53.84 51.08 32.83 79.77 72.3 50.21 52.94 47.94 53.09 58.47 34.13 79.88 27.67 86.29 69.37 48.63 52.46 62.9 78.52 55.43 10.64 44.84 55.95 64.06 53.5 64.17 49.61 64.99 37.28 50.68 66.4 53.82 34.31 47.97 76.06 62.43 66 60.57 11.37 65.07 8.99 58.37 83.51 81.02 29.75 30.4 39.17


Expert Solution

I used R software to solve this question.

I assume that you want SST means total sum of square =

> x=scan('clipboard')
Read 60 items
> x
[1] 120.08 30.75 75.86 54.05 81.90 61.83 37.88 38.82 78.79 26.40
[11] 68.73 36.85 63.83 53.84 51.08 32.83 79.77 72.30 50.21 52.94
[21] 47.94 53.09 58.47 34.13 79.88 27.67 86.29 69.37 48.63 52.46
[31] 62.90 78.52 55.43 10.64 44.84 55.95 64.06 53.50 64.17 49.61
[41] 64.99 37.28 50.68 66.40 53.82 34.31 47.97 76.06 62.43 66.00
[51] 60.57 11.37 65.07 8.99 58.37 83.51 81.02 29.75 30.40 39.17
> x_bar=mean(x)
> x_bar
[1] 54.9075
> sum((x-x_bar)^2)
[1] 24805.54

SST = 24805.54

Excel Output

x x-xbar (x-xbar)^2
120.08 65.1725 4247.455
30.75 -24.1575 583.5848 xbar = 54.9075
75.86 20.9525 439.0073
54.05 -0.8575 0.735306
81.9 26.9925 728.5951
61.83 6.9225 47.92101
37.88 -17.0275 289.9358
38.82 -16.0875 258.8077
78.79 23.8825 570.3738
26.4 -28.5075 812.6776
68.73 13.8225 191.0615
36.85 -18.0575 326.0733
63.83 8.9225 79.61101
53.84 -1.0675 1.139556
51.08 -3.8275 14.64976
32.83 -22.0775 487.416
79.77 24.8625 618.1439
72.3 17.3925 302.4991
50.21 -4.6975 22.06651
52.94 -1.9675 3.871056
47.94 -6.9675 48.54606
53.09 -1.8175 3.303306
58.47 3.5625 12.69141
34.13 -20.7775 431.7045
79.88 24.9725 623.6258
27.67 -27.2375 741.8814
86.29 31.3825 984.8613
69.37 14.4625 209.1639
48.63 -6.2775 39.40701
52.46 -2.4475 5.990256
62.9 7.9925 63.88006
78.52 23.6125 557.5502
55.43 0.5225 0.273006
10.64 -44.2675 1959.612
44.84 -10.0675 101.3546
55.95 1.0425 1.086806
64.06 9.1525 83.76826
53.5 -1.4075 1.981056
64.17 9.2625 85.79391
49.61 -5.2975 28.06351
64.99 10.0825 101.6568
37.28 -17.6275 310.7288
50.68 -4.2275 17.87176
66.4 11.4925 132.0776
53.82 -1.0875 1.182656
34.31 -20.5975 424.257
47.97 -6.9375 48.12891
76.06 21.1525 447.4283
62.43 7.5225 56.58801
66 11.0925 123.0436
60.57 5.6625 32.06391
11.37 -43.5375 1895.514
65.07 10.1625 103.2764
8.99 -45.9175 2108.417
58.37 3.4625 11.98891
83.51 28.6025 818.103
81.02 26.1125 681.8627
29.75 -25.1575 632.8998
30.4 -24.5075 600.6176
39.17 -15.7375 247.6689
SST= 24805.54

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