
In: Computer Science

1 . Priority Encoder Implement the priority encoder in 2. Population Count Implement the popCount...

1 . Priority Encoder Implement the priority encoder in
2. Population Count Implement the popCount unit in

3. Argument Maximum Implement the argMax unit in

Here is the code for please complete:

module priEnc

#( bW = 8 )


input logic [bW-1:0] a,

output logic [bW-1:0] z


   // Implement an 8bit priority encoder

   // z should be a one hot bit string were the

   // hot bit is equivelant to the position

   // of the most significant 1

   // for example:


   // 01011100 --> 01000000

   // 01011011 --> 01000000

   // 10001001 --> 10000000

   // 01001001 --> 01000000

   // 11010000 --> 10000000

   // 11010111 --> 10000000

   // 01010001 --> 01000000

   // 10010110 --> 10000000

   // 00001100 --> 00001000

   // 11000010 --> 10000000

   // 11001000 --> 10000000

   // 01110111 --> 01000000

   // 00111101 --> 00100000

   // 00010010 --> 00010000

   // 01111110 --> 01000000

   // 01101101 --> 01000000

   // 00111001 --> 00100000

   // 00011111 --> 00010000

   // 11010011 --> 10000000

   // 10000101 --> 10000000


   // If you are interested in exploring this implementation thoroughly

   // you might try to implement it using the ripple-carry design pattern


Here is the code for please complete:

module popCount

#( bW = 32, aW = 6 )


input logic [bW-1:0] a,

output logic [aW-1:0] z


   // Implement the popCount for a

   // for example:


01000010011010010001101100010101 --> 13

11001100000001001000000100101011 --> 11

10101000100100111001111100011010 --> 16

00100010110111110111011001011101 --> 19

00010010010011010101000001101011 --> 13

00010010000010001001000010000000 --> 6

00010101111000100010011001100110 --> 14

00011001000000000100000000001010 --> 6

00000100000000000010000001000000 --> 3

00000000000000001000000000000000 --> 1

11000000001000000010000001000001 --> 6

00010100000001001001001000001000 --> 7

10111011101100110101000010000011 --> 16

01000110000010000011101111010101 --> 14

10101011100001000010000100001101 --> 12

10010101001111110111011110011000 --> 19

00000111010101001000001100001001 --> 11

00000010011100000001100111000000 --> 9

01010110111010110101000011110111 --> 19

00100111110000001110011000001100 --> 13

01101110001001110100000000001011 --> 13

00000110001000100011010000111001 --> 11

00101000001010001000000000001010 --> 7


   // If you are interested in exploring this thoroughly,

   // you might try to implement this using the full adder cell


Here is the code for argMax please complete:

module argMaxTwo

#( bW=16, aW=3 )


output logic [bW-1:0] mVal ,

output logic [aW-1:0] mIdx ,

input logic [bW-1:0] val[1:0],

input logic [aW-1:0] idx[1:0]


   // You might use this module to build your tree

   // mval and mIdx should correxpond to the largest val idx for the largest v\



module argMax

#( bW=16, aW=3 )


   input logic [bW-1:0] A[7:0] ,

   output logic [aW-1:0] idx


   // Return the index of the largest value in the array

   // such that A[idx] should be greater than equal to A[i] for all i

   // for example:


61708 31289 37634 48661 63749 17230 10498 20920 --> 4

45576 21389 36527 12776 2448 44021 36940 48507 --> 7

42560 805 46605 4208 63789 55337 20924 2096 --> 4

11712 26960 27297 16205 12021 45045 52317 4756 --> 6

42602 26044 2232 40094 1786 2886 25607 48275 --> 7

29781 56247 61765 2659 57433 52774 30312 58398 --> 2

62608 42330 34076 26553 8107 55760 25967 28120 --> 0

34885 42893 9099 37372 8156 2724 36121 13221 --> 1

36414 49395 11352 27588 17244 17670 20634 6424 --> 1

26309 53674 794 54723 59826 25356 3817 64963 --> 7

29675 47608 1010 44425 29551 19227 10413 49512 --> 7

4645 22479 36267 53787 16000 55645 64898 16900 --> 6

42327 35638 818 10361 44772 60438 60586 26048 --> 6

34862 14220 49777 36859 8636 26844 22295 1217 --> 2

8683 15285 11913 57999 63167 10928 39635 726 --> 4

52354 29978 42865 1239 36366 5361 7629 17157 --> 0

60188 51096 35052 54826 19045 1335 13827 40702 --> 0

56573 3646 13544 14452 35248 56326 19730 64616 --> 7

197 12030 3382 2547 44027 31851 48919 13839 --> 6

46612 1322 28326 9940 4299 49771 60164 13044 --> 6

24973 28897 48517 29881 5833 36448 12870 52028 --> 7

24375 21848 22387 53774 9180 49968 62928 58624 --> 6

3907 37368 39585 8019 36760 15711 37511 23290 --> 2

53549 624 59499 14385 49170 57100 27405 4885 --> 2

1856 36244 41812 640 5395 34499 57069 59100 --> 7

4216 3367 9823 23331 60331 5944 19746 48585 --> 4

19655 25218 55246 8903 42020 28635 5128 28533 --> 2

7605 29210 4920 14978 41048 27216 39587 58276 --> 7

57189 6122 14598 32852 16475 61640 14664 62007 --> 7

62456 12981 43345 54659 58267 56629 21424 33531 --> 0


   // If you are interested in exploring this implementation thoroughly

   // you might try to implement it as a reduction tree

   logic [bW-1:0] mVal_0[3:0];

   logic [aW-1:0] mIdx_0[3:0];

   argMaxTwo am_0_0(mVal_0[0],mIdx_0[0], A[1:0], '{3'd1,3'd0} );

endmodule // end maxSix


Expert Solution

module popCount

#( bW = 32, aW = 6 )


input logic [bW-1:0] a,

output logic [aW-1:0] z


   // Implement the popCount for a

   // for example:


01000010011010010001101100010101 --> 13

11001100000001001000000100101011 --> 11

10101000100100111001111100011010 --> 16

00100010110111110111011001011101 --> 19

00010010010011010101000001101011 --> 13

00010010000010001001000010000000 --> 6

00010101111000100010011001100110 --> 14

00011001000000000100000000001010 --> 6

00000100000000000010000001000000 --> 3

00000000000000001000000000000000 --> 1

11000000001000000010000001000001 --> 6

00010100000001001001001000001000 --> 7

10111011101100110101000010000011 --> 16

01000110000010000011101111010101 --> 14

10101011100001000010000100001101 --> 12

10010101001111110111011110011000 --> 19

00000111010101001000001100001001 --> 11

00000010011100000001100111000000 --> 9

01010110111010110101000011110111 --> 19

00100111110000001110011000001100 --> 13

01101110001001110100000000001011 --> 13

00000110001000100011010000111001 --> 11

00101000001010001000000000001010 --> 7


   // If you are interested in exploring this thoroughly,

   // you might try to implement this using the full adder cell


Here is the code for argMax please complete:

module argMaxTwo

#( bW=16, aW=3 )


output logic [bW-1:0] mVal ,

output logic [aW-1:0] mIdx ,

input logic [bW-1:0] val[1:0],

input logic [aW-1:0] idx[1:0]


   // You might use this module to build your tree

   // mval and mIdx should correxpond to the largest val idx for the largest v\



module argMax

#( bW=16, aW=3 )


   input logic [bW-1:0] A[7:0] ,

   output logic [aW-1:0] idx


   // Return the index of the largest value in the array

   // such that A[idx] should be greater than equal to A[i] for all i

   // for example:


61708 31289 37634 48661 63749 17230 10498 20920 --> 4

45576 21389 36527 12776 2448 44021 36940 48507 --> 7

42560 805 46605 4208 63789 55337 20924 2096 --> 4

11712 26960 27297 16205 12021 45045 52317 4756 --> 6

42602 26044 2232 40094 1786 2886 25607 48275 --> 7

29781 56247 61765 2659 57433 52774 30312 58398 --> 2

62608 42330 34076 26553 8107 55760 25967 28120 --> 0

34885 42893 9099 37372 8156 2724 36121 13221 --> 1

36414 49395 11352 27588 17244 17670 20634 6424 --> 1

26309 53674 794 54723 59826 25356 3817 64963 --> 7

29675 47608 1010 44425 29551 19227 10413 49512 --> 7

4645 22479 36267 53787 16000 55645 64898 16900 --> 6

42327 35638 818 10361 44772 60438 60586 26048 --> 6

34862 14220 49777 36859 8636 26844 22295 1217 --> 2

8683 15285 11913 57999 63167 10928 39635 726 --> 4

52354 29978 42865 1239 36366 5361 7629 17157 --> 0

60188 51096 35052 54826 19045 1335 13827 40702 --> 0

56573 3646 13544 14452 35248 56326 19730 64616 --> 7

197 12030 3382 2547 44027 31851 48919 13839 --> 6

46612 1322 28326 9940 4299 49771 60164 13044 --> 6

24973 28897 48517 29881 5833 36448 12870 52028 --> 7

24375 21848 22387 53774 9180 49968 62928 58624 --> 6

3907 37368 39585 8019 36760 15711 37511 23290 --> 2

53549 624 59499 14385 49170 57100 27405 4885 --> 2

1856 36244 41812 640 5395 34499 57069 59100 --> 7

4216 3367 9823 23331 60331 5944 19746 48585 --> 4

19655 25218 55246 8903 42020 28635 5128 28533 --> 2

7605 29210 4920 14978 41048 27216 39587 58276 --> 7

57189 6122 14598 32852 16475 61640 14664 62007 --> 7

62456 12981 43345 54659 58267 56629 21424 33531 --> 0


   // If you are interested in exploring this implementation thoroughly

   // you might try to implement it as a reduction tree

   logic [bW-1:0] mVal_0[3:0];

   logic [aW-1:0] mIdx_0[3:0];

   argMaxTwo am_0_0(mVal_0[0],mIdx_0[0], A[1:0], '{3'd1,3'd0} );

endmodule // end maxSix   

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