
In: Operations Management

Answer those questions. Is Social Responsibility Too Much of a Burden for Corporations? Globalization has had...

Answer those questions.

Is Social Responsibility Too Much of a Burden for Corporations?

Globalization has had a positive effect on Corporate social responsibility

Globalization has had a negative effect on Corporate Social Responsibility

A Business Leader whose ethical Character virtues you Admire

Businesses’ Influence on Government and Public Policy will be beneficial to Society

Is Business Ethics an Indispensable Function of Corporations in the 21st Century?

Do businesses have any Social Responsibility to the Communities in which they Operate?

The Social Responsibility of a Business in the 21st Century Goes Beyond Just Making Profits

A Ethical Corporation you admire

Should a corporation be allowed to make unfettered profits regardless of its moral values?

A chief executive officer (CEO) you admire

The Stakeholder Approach is the perfect Framework in understanding the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility

Should Corporations or the Government Lead us towards a Sustainable Future?

The Ethical Challenges involving Technology

Diversity in any Corporation brings advantages

Affirmative action is not reverse discrimination.

Affirmative action is reverse discrimination

Whistle Blowing is an indispensable tool to keep Corporations Ethical


Expert Solution

No, social responsibility is not a burden for the corporation. In fact it is very beneficial for them and many companies use it as a marketing strategy. Because of the social responsibility the companies can get in touch to the customers closely. The customers get emotional about the company and prefer the same company in their buying decision. Actually the companies are taking too much from the nature and it is their moral and ethical responsibility to give something back to the nature as well as society. For an example if a company says buy out product and $1 of the profit will go to the charity. Now customers are emotionally attached with the product. In another example if I say that if a company uses total solar energy and eliminating the use of petroleum substances then the cost will be saved and environment will also be saves. And further government will not make any strict rules and regulation to counter the pollution. So in fact the CSR is not burden on the companies in facet if the companies are not conducting CSR activities then it will be burden on them.

Globalization has a positive effect on the CSR activities. Because of this the host countries get foreign exposures, technology etc. For an example a company introducing latest technology of their home country to reuse the used water fpt eh factory then slowly that technology is adopted by many companies and thus the host country is benefited. There is possible outcome fo society at large due to globalization.

3 Some multinational companies are there which uses CSR activities to collect the money from the public on the name of CSR activities and spend that money in those countries where there business is low and capital is needed for expansion, improvements and other monetary expanses. Globalization has helped the companies to collect the money for their other than CSR activities.

4 If I name a business leader who has strong ethical virtues then I will name Elon Musk who is CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, and Solar city etc. He is an excellent business leader wit great entrepreneurial leadership. He has founded Musk foundation which helps into the affected areas due to Hurricane and T-Tsunami. The company Tesla is the biggest electrical car company which is completely eliminating the use of petroleum substances.

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