
In: Computer Science

1. Specification Write a C program to implement a simple calculator that accepts input in the...

1. Specification Write a C program to implement a simple calculator that accepts input in the following format and displays the result of the computation:

calc [operand_1] [operator] [operand_2]

The operands operand_1 and operand_2 are non-negative integers. The operator is one of the following: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x), division (/) and modulo (%).

Note: For the multiplication operator, use letter ‘x’. If you use the asterisk ‘*’, your program will not work properly

2. Implementation

• The program to be submitted is named calc.c. Use the given template calc.c and fill in your code. Complete functions main()in file calc.c.

• Note that the command-line arguments are all strings. Therefore you need to implement a function to convert a string to an integer to obtain operand_1 and operand_2.

• Sometimes users may forget the command syntax and they may type only the command “calc”. In that case, display the following reminder message:

Usage: calc [operand_1] [operator] [operand_2]

• Other than that, assume that all inputs are valid. No error checking is required on inputs.

• You may define your own variables inside functions main(). Do not use global variables (defined outside functions main()).

• You may define and implement your own function(s) inside file calc.c if needed.

• Do not use any C library functions (e.g., atoi).

• To compile the program, use the following command: gcc –o calc calc.c

• There must be at least a white space between an operand and the operator. That is how the command-line arguments are separated.

3. Sample Inputs/Outputs

See file calc_io.txt for sample inputs and outputs



/* Implement a simple calculator. 
   Input: two operands and one operator as command-line arguments.
   Output: the result displayed on the standard output. 

void main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  int result = 0;  /* stores the result of the arithmetic operation */




  printf( "%d\n", result );

//////////////////////////SAMPLE INPUT OUTPUT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////SAMPLE INPUT OUTPUT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

indigo 580 % calc
Usage: calc [operand_1] [operator] [operand_2]
indigo 581 % calc 12 + 10
indigo 582 % calc 15 - 10
indigo 583 % calc 20 - 55
indigo 584 % calc 20 / 7
indigo 585 % calc 20 % 7
indigo 586 % calc 50 x 11


Expert Solution

/*C program to implement a simple calculator.
Input: two operands and one operator as command-line arguments.
Output: the result displayed on the standard output.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// function to convert the string representing an integer to int
int convertToInt(char *str)
int num = 0,len , i, exp = 1;
len = 0;
// loop to get the number of digits in the string
while(str[len] !='\0')

// loop to get the maximum exponent
exp = exp*10;

// loop to convert the string to number
num += (((int)(str[i]-'0'))*exp);
exp = exp/10;

return num;

void main( int argc, char *argv[] )
int result = 0; /* stores the result of the arithmetic operation */

if(argc < 4) // insufficient number of arguments passed, display error
printf("Usage: calc [operand_1] [operator] [operand_2]");
return ;
int n1 = convertToInt(argv[1]); // convert the first input to int
int n2 = convertToInt(argv[3]); // convert the third input to int

// check the operator passed and perform the operation
if(argv[2][0] == '+')
   result = n1 + n2;
else if(argv[2][0] == '-')
   result = n1 - n2;
else if(argv[2][0] == 'x')
   result = n1 * n2;
else if(argv[2][0] == '/')
   result = n1/n2;
   result = n1%n2;

printf( "%d\n", result );

//end of program


calc 12 + 10

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