
In: Computer Science

Algorithms appear almost everywhere in life. For example, a store clerk uses an algorithm with tasks...

Algorithms appear almost everywhere in life. For example, a store clerk uses an algorithm with tasks such as scanning items, bagging groceries, and accepting your payment. Other algorithms, such as those that make up computer operating systems, are much more complex. In general, the goal of algorithm design is to complete a job in fewer steps. Create your own algorithm to complete a computing task. You can use C++, Java, or Python3 to create your algorithm.


  • Remove unwanted comments.
  • Use proper logic.
  • Use fast calculating iterations.
  • Have a clear plan before creating the algorithm.
  • Make it small.
  • Make it efficient.

There are four steps to algorithm methodology. Discuss your algorithm design in relation to these four steps. Describe how you went through each step of the methodology to create your algorithm.


Expert Solution

ALGORITHMS can be simply be explained in layman terms as a set of procedures to solve a problem .the approach can vary from a person to person and also dependent on the nature of the problem statement

it generally has 4 steps: design ,analyze,implement,experiment

since you have given me a choice of programming language,i would be using python 3

and the program i would be implementing as an example would be to find if a number is prime number or not.


the main goal is to identify what is a prime is any number which has no other factors except itself and one.such is a requirement to be a prime prime numbers=2,3,5,7,11,13,etc

non primes=4,6,8,9,10,etc


  • so we know what is prime number ,but how to find if any given number is prime or not?we can divide the given number by each number preceding it to check if it a factor of the given number. if it is a factor i would give a remainder as zero during division.
  • subsequently we need to repeat the process to find the factors.
  • we should also remember that 1 is neither prime nor composite and hence can be treated as an exception

step 3)implement

  • so now we can imagine a loop which iteratively checks the numbers and returns a certain output if a certain condition is true.ill be posting the code first and then try to explain it.

def isprime(n):
    if n<=1:
        print("1 or 0 is invalid")
    for i in range(2,n):
        if n%i==0:
    if flag==1:
        return True
        return False
print("enter an integer number")
    print("please enter a valid input")
if res==False:
     print(n," is prime")
    print(n,"is not prime")

i also attched a screnshot for your reference

for line by line explanation,please refer to the following screenshot


  • experiment with diffrent values to test the algorithm
  • try the exception handling techniques
  • try the values with random inputs
  • i have attached a sample output for your reference.i suggest trying it out yourself to understand it better

for more clarification or further simplification of the program,please reach out in the comment section,


hope my answer was helpful

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