
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Ben is going to participate in the bodybuilding competition and he goes to work out every...

Ben is going to participate in the bodybuilding competition and he goes to work out every day. He tries to do weight training every day before the competition starts.  

1. When he lifts the dumbbell, which types of muscle are contractions?

A)Isotonic contraction

B)Isometric contraction

C)Eccentric contraction

D)Energy muscle contraction

E)Both of the above is correct

2. More than that he's going to run more than an hour every day to lose weight to show his muscle shape, during running where he can get the ATP from the first 10 seconds?

A)Phosphate and ADP

B)Anaerobic glycolysis pathway

C)Glycogen that stored in the muscle break down become glucose to make ATP

D)Two of the answer are correct

E)10 second doesn't use anybody energy

3. After an hour, where he can get the ATP from after an hour running?

A)Glycogen that stored in the muscle break down become glucose to make ATP

B)Anaerobic glycolysis pathway

C)Phosphate and ADP

D)Two of the answer are correct

E)Slow running no required ATP


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