In: Psychology
**Choose an article from a newspaper, magazine or internet site.
****A summary of the article in your own words
***Why this is a medical ethical issue, or a fallacy
***Your ethical analysis (Be sure to mention fallacies, if
appropriate, in later memos.)
***Your conclusions, i.e., What do YOU think about this.
****Include the original article, or a copy, with the memo.
****The memo is NOT to exceed 1 page in length.
***You can choose any article*******about medical issue********
This areticle deals with the donation of human organs for money. In some countries, it is being discussed to mae it legal under the government system to donate the organ and get the money. This is not a good step and ethically incorrect as it may envcourage those vbelow povarty line people to donate ttheir body parts for tha sake of a tiny amont of money theywill get.
In some countries the no. of people comming under the poverty line is too high, people are struggling hard to feed themselves as well as their fmily, they do not have a shelter, mostly nomadic, they are uneducaated and their sole source of income is just begging, they do notteealise the natural assest they have with them that is a fit body, for which a large no. of people still pray to have and live a normal and healthy life.
This amay seem not the case but making the human parts donation easier will encourage the people to do so just to get the two meals of the day, while on the other hand, someone will get arebirth to a norma life, this is most sensitive human ethical dilemma according to me. Donating you body parts for just a tiny money is not ethical, and should not be promoted.