
In: Computer Science

Using Netbeans update the Sales project so the input and the output are done through a...

Using Netbeans update the Sales project so the input and the output are done through a GUI of your choice.

The classes design should not be changed, only the code in the test class.

public abstract class Account {

private int accountId;

public Account(int id){
public int getAccountId() {
return accountId;

public void setAccountId(int accountId) {

//abstract method to calculate sales
public abstract double calculateSales();
//to string method
public String toString() {
return("Account ID:"+getAccountId());

public class Services extends Account {

private int numberOfHours;
private double ratePerHour;

public Services(int id, int numberOfHours, double ratePerHours){
public int getNumberOfHours() {
return numberOfHours;

public double getRatePerHour() {
return ratePerHour;

public void setNumberOfHours() {

public void setRatePerHour() {

//using the abstract method from Account
public double calculateSales() {
return getNumberOfHours() * getRatePerHour();

//toString method to put info in a readable format
public String toString() {
return super.toString()+", Rate per Hour: $"+getRatePerHour()+", Hours worked: "+ getNumberOfHours()+", Total Sales: $"+calculateSales();

public class Supplies extends Account {

private int numberOfItems;
private double pricePerItem;

public Supplies(int id, int numberOfItems, double pricePerItem){
public int getNumberOfItems() {
return numberOfItems;

public double getPricePerItem() {
return pricePerItem;

public void setNumberOfItems() {

public void setPricePerItem() {

//using the abstract method from Account
public double calculateSales() {
return getNumberOfItems() * getPricePerItem();

//toString method to put info in a readable format
public String toString() {
return super.toString()+", Item Price: $"+getPricePerItem()+", Number of Items: "+ getNumberOfItems()+", Total Sales: $"+calculateSales();


public class companySales {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Account[] accounts;
accounts = new Account[100];
accounts[0] = new Supplies(1, 50, 4.50);
accounts[1] = new Services(2, 5, 25.50);

for(int x=0;x<2;++x){


Expert Solution

public abstract class Account {
   private int accountId;
   public Account(int id){
   public int getAccountId() {
       return accountId;
   public void setAccountId(int accountId) {
   //abstract method to calculate sales
   public abstract double calculateSales();
   //to string method
   public String toString() {
       return("Account ID:"+getAccountId());


public class Supplies extends Account {
   // instance variables
   private int numberOfItems;
   private double pricePerItem;
   // parameterized constructor
   public Supplies(int id, int numberOfItems, double pricePerItem){
   public int getNumberOfItems() {
       return numberOfItems;
   public double getPricePerItem() {
       return pricePerItem;
   public void setNumberOfItems(int numberOfItems) {
   public void setPricePerItem(double pricePerItem) {
   //using the abstract method from Account
   public double calculateSales() {
       return getNumberOfItems() * getPricePerItem();
   //toString method to put info in a readable format
   public String toString() {
       return super.toString()+", Item Price: $"+getPricePerItem()+", Number of Items: "+ getNumberOfItems()+", Total Sales: $"+calculateSales();

public class Services extends Account {
   // instance variables
   private int numberOfHours;
   private double ratePerHour;
   // parameterized constructor
   public Services(int id, int numberOfHours, double ratePerHours){
   public int getNumberOfHours() {
       return numberOfHours;
   public double getRatePerHour() {
       return ratePerHour;
   public void setNumberOfHours(int numberOfHours) {
   public void setRatePerHour(double ratePerHour) {
   //using the abstract method from Account
   public double calculateSales() {
       return getNumberOfHours() * getRatePerHour();
   //toString method to put info in a readable format
   public String toString() {
       return super.toString()+", Rate per Hour: $"+getRatePerHour()+", Hours worked: "+ getNumberOfHours()+", Total Sales: $"+calculateSales();

import java.awt.HeadlessException;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
// create class with JFrame
public class CompanySales extends JFrame implements ActionListener {

   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
   // declare all required controls
   private JRadioButton supplies;
   private JRadioButton services;
   private ButtonGroup group;
   private JLabel label1;
   private JLabel label2;
   private JLabel label3;
   private JTextField accountId;
   private JTextField number;
   private JTextField rate;
   private JButton calculate;
   // Account class reference
   private Account account;
   // default constructor
   public CompanySales() throws HeadlessException {
       setSize(300,400); // set size of frame
       setTitle("Sales Project"); // set title to frame
       setLayout(null); // set layout as no layout
       // instantiate all declared controls
       supplies=new JRadioButton("Supplies",true);
       services=new JRadioButton("Services");
       group=new ButtonGroup();
       label1=new JLabel("Account ID: ");
       label2=new JLabel("Number Of Items: ");
       label3=new JLabel("Price per Item: ");
       accountId=new JTextField();
       number=new JTextField();
       rate=new JTextField();
       calculate=new JButton("Calculate Sales");
       // set bounds to all controls
       // add all controls to the frame
       // all action listener on radio buttons and bauuton
       setVisible(true); // make frame visible
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
       try {
           int id,num;
           double price;
           // if supplies radio button is selected
           if(e.getSource()==supplies) {
               label2.setText("Number Of Items: ");
               label3.setText("Price per Item: ");
               // if services radio button is selected
               if(e.getSource()==services) {
                   label2.setText("Number Of Hours: ");
                   label3.setText("Rate Per Hour");
           // accept input from text fields
           if(supplies.isSelected()) {
               // create Supplies class object
               account=new Supplies(id, num, price);
               // calculate and print total sales
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, account.toString());
               clear(); // clear text fields
               if(services.isSelected()) {
                   // create Services class object
                   account=new Services(id, num, price);
                   // calculate and print total sales
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, account.toString());
       }catch(Exception e1) {
           JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid input...!!!");
   // method to clear text fields
   private void clear() {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       new CompanySales(); // anonymous object of CompanySales class


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