
In: Biology

these 5 statements are true or false? thanks Cytosolic receptors do not bind to hydrophilic signals....

these 5 statements are true or false? thanks

Cytosolic receptors do not bind to hydrophilic signals.

Receptor for epinephrine consists of seven transmembrane helixes.

The enzymatic reaction catalysed by adenylyl cyclase uses ATP.

Amino acids, glucose and triglycerides are taken up by transporters into liver cells.

Decarboxylation occurs when pyruvate is converted to acetyl CoA.


Expert Solution

Cytosolic receptors do not bind to hydrophilic signals is a TRUE statement. The cytosolic receptors can only bind to the hydrophobic signals as only hydrophobic signals can pass through the plasma membrane whereas hydrophilic signals always bind to the membrane receptors to activate their subsequent cascade reactions.

Receptor for epinephrine consists of seven transmembrane helixes is TRUE statement. The epinephrine binds to the G-protein coupled receptors which are seven transmembrane helix receptors.

The enzymatic reaction catalysed by adenylyl cyclase uses ATP is a TRUE statement. The adenylyl cyclase converts the ATP into cAMP by cyclisation of ATP into cAMP and cleaving the PPi bond.

Amino acids, glucose and triglycerides are taken up by transporters into liver cells is a TRUE statement. All the inflow and outflow from liver occurs through transporters.

Decarboxylation occurs when pyruvate is converted to acetyl CoA is a TRUE statement. Pyruvate is a 3-carbon compound and it is converted into acetyl CoA which is a 2-carbon compound by the enzyme pyruvate decarboxylase.

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