
In: Computer Science

Q1) Modify the following code to sequentially display 154628577990449700 /* DisplayDigitsUsingIndexedArray - Sequentially displays digits 0...

Q1) Modify the following code to sequentially display 154628577990449700

/* DisplayDigitsUsingIndexedArray - Sequentially displays

digits 0 - 9 using an indexed array and register I/O

Written by Duncan McGehee

1 October 2011 */

/*PORTD.7 is connected to the A-segment of the 7-segment display

PORTD.6 = B, PORTD.5 = C, PORTD.4 = D, PORTD.3 = E

PORTD.2 = F, PORTD.1 = G */

/* Declare an array of binary numbers that will be used to drive

the 7-segment display. This is done once, globally, so that we

don't redeclare it each time the program loops */

byte DisplayNumbers[] = {B11111100, B01100000, B11011010, B11110010,

                        B01100110, B10110110, B10111110, B11100000,

                        B11111110, B11110110};

void setup()


DDRD = B11111110; /* DDRD is the direction register for

the Arduino's PORT D (Digital Pins 0 - 7). DDRD = B11111110

tells Arduino to set pin 0 for input, pins 1 through 7 for output */


void loop() //This function loops forever


    //Send each digit to the 7-segment display for .5 second

for (byte index = 0; index <= 9; index++)


    PORTD = DisplayNumbers[index]; //Use the indexed array to choose the digit



//turn off the 7-segment display for half a second

PORTD = B00000000;




Expert Solution

Please up vote ,comment if any query . Thanks for question . Be safe .

Note : check attached image for simulation output ,code compiled in ARDUINO IDE and simulation tested in Proteus VSM .

Program Plan :

  1. Create array of size 18 with sequential output .
  2. display one by one each digit on segment with delay of 500milli second .

Program :

/* DisplayDigitsUsingIndexedArray - Sequentially displays

digits 0 - 9 using an indexed array and register I/O

Written by Duncan McGehee

1 October 2011 */

/*PORTD.7 is connected to the A-segment of the 7-segment display

PORTD.6 = B, PORTD.5 = C, PORTD.4 = D, PORTD.3 = E

PORTD.2 = F, PORTD.1 = G */

/* Declare an array of binary numbers that will be used to drive

the 7-segment display. This is done once, globally, so that we

don't redeclare it each time the program loops */
byte DisplayNumbers[] = {B11111100, B01100000, B11011010, B11110010,

                        B01100110, B10110110, B10111110, B11100000,

                        B11111110, B11110110};*/
//Create new array of DisplayNumbers with value of size 18
byte DisplayNumbers[]={B01100000,B10110110,B01100110,B10111110,B11011010,B11111110,B10110110,B11100000,B11100000, B11110110, B11110110,B11111100,
                       B01100110,B01100110,B11110110, B11100000,B11111100,B11111100
void setup()


DDRD = B11111110; /* DDRD is the direction register for

the Arduino's PORT D (Digital Pins 0 - 7). DDRD = B11111110

tells Arduino to set pin 0 for input, pins 1 through 7 for output */


void loop() //This function loops forever


    //Send each digit to the 7-segment display for .5 second
//display element from array index 0 to 17
for (byte index = 0; index < 18; index++)


    PORTD = DisplayNumbers[index]; //Use the indexed array to choose the digit



//turn off the 7-segment display for half a second

PORTD = B00000000;



Simulation Output :

Please comment if you want any changes .

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