
In: Computer Science

Directions: Convert the following problems below to c++ equivalent code Problem 3: Take any 2 digit...

Directions: Convert the following problems below to c++ equivalent code

Problem 3:

  1. Take any 2 digit number from 31 to 99. (You do not have to check the numbers just assume the user will enter a valid number so long as you tell them to).
  2. Store an extra copy of this number for later

3.   Add 82 to the number.

4.    Remove the hundreds place from your number

5.    Add 1 to the number.

6.    Subtract this from your original number (stored in step 2).
7.    Output the result obtained

Problem 4:

1.   Select two, single digit, numbers, the first being in the range 2 to 6 and the second being in the range 1 to 9.

2.   Multiply the first number by five.

3.   Add three to that number.

4.   Double the number.

5.   Add the second number to your previous step.

6.   Subtract 6 from the new total and:

The tens place should be the first number given and the ones place should be the second.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
   int num;

   // read number
   cout << "Enter a two digit number from 31 to 99: ";
   cin >> num;

   // store copy
   int copy = num;

   // perform operations
   num = num + 82;
   num = num % 100;
   num = num + 1;
   num = copy - num;

   // display result
   cout << "Result: " << num;

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
   int n1, n2;

   // reading user inputs
   cout << "Enter a single digit number between 2 to 6: ";
   cin >> n1;
   cout << "Enter another single digit number between 1 to 9: ";
   cin >> n2;

   // storing copy of first number
   int copy_n1 = n1;

   // perform the operations on copy_n1
   copy_n1 = n1 * 5;
   copy_n1 = copy_n1 + 3;
   copy_n1 = 2 * copy_n1;
   copy_n1 = copy_n1 + n2;
   copy_n1 = copy_n1 - 6;

   // calculate the ones place and store in variable
   int ones = copy_n1 % 10;
   copy_n1 = copy_n1 / 10;

   // calculate the tens place and store in variable
   int tens = copy_n1 % 10;

   // display the results
   cout << "First digit entered is '" << n1 << "' and tens place is also '" << tens << "'" << endl;
   cout << "Second digit entered is '" << n2 << "' and ones place is also '" << "'" << ones;


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