
In: Computer Science

C++ Directions: Follow the insttructions of implementation and then fill in the following code for QueueArray...

C++ Directions: Follow the insttructions of implementation and then fill in the following code for QueueArray class

Both given below:

5.1 Implement QueueArray<DataType>::QueueArray(int maxNumber)

5.2 Implement QueueArray<DataType>::QueueArray(const QueueArray& other)

5.3 Implement QueueArray<DataType>::~QueueArray()

5.4 Implement void QueueArray<DataType>::enqueue(const DataType&
newDataItem) throw (logic_error)

5.5 Implement DataType QueueArray<DataType>::dequeue() throw (logic_error)

5.6 Implement void void QueueArray<DataType>::clear() throw (logic_error)

5.7 Implement bool QueueArray<DataType>::isEmpty() const

5.8 Implement bool QueueArray<DataType>::isFull() const

5.9 Implement void QueueArray<DataType>::putFront(const DataType&
newDataItem) throw (logic_error)

5.10 Implement DataType QueueArray<DataType>::getRear() throw (logic_error)

5.11 Implement int QueueArray<DataType>::getLength() const

#include "QueueArray.h"

template <typename DataType>
QueueArray<DataType>::QueueArray(int maxNumber)

template <typename DataType>
QueueArray<DataType>::QueueArray(const QueueArray& other)

template <typename DataType>
QueueArray<DataType>& QueueArray<DataType>::operator=(const QueueArray& other)

template <typename DataType>

template <typename DataType>
void QueueArray<DataType>::enqueue(const DataType& newDataItem) throw (logic_error)

template <typename DataType>
DataType QueueArray<DataType>::dequeue() throw (logic_error)
   DataType temp;
   return temp;

template <typename DataType>
void QueueArray<DataType>::clear()

template <typename DataType>
bool QueueArray<DataType>::isEmpty() const
   return false;

template <typename DataType>
bool QueueArray<DataType>::isFull() const
   return false;

template <typename DataType>
void QueueArray<DataType>::putFront(const DataType& newDataItem) throw (logic_error)

template <typename DataType>
DataType QueueArray<DataType>::getRear() throw (logic_error)
   DataType temp;
   return temp;

template <typename DataType>
int QueueArray<DataType>::getLength() const
   return -1;


template <typename DataType>
void QueueArray<DataType>::showStructure() const
// Array implementation. Outputs the data items in a queue. If the
// queue is empty, outputs "Empty queue". This operation is intended
// for testing and debugging purposes only.

int j; // Loop counter

if ( front == -1 )
cout << "Empty queue" << endl;
cout << "Front = " << front << " Back = " << back << endl;
for ( j = 0 ; j < maxSize ; j++ )
cout << j << "\t";
cout << endl;
if ( back >= front )
for ( j = 0 ; j < maxSize ; j++ )
if ( ( j >= front ) && ( j <= back ) )
cout << dataItems[j] << "\t";
cout << " \t";
for ( j = 0 ; j < maxSize ; j++ )
if ( ( j >= front ) || ( j <= back ) )
cout << dataItems[j] << "\t";
cout << " \t";
cout << endl;


Expert Solution

copyable code:

individual code implementation listed


QueueArray<DataType>::QueueArray(int maxNumber)


Size_max = maxNumber;

//initidates begin and rear at same position at the begin

begin = -1;

rear = -1;  

dataset_val= NULL;

//dynamically allocates memory

dataset_val = new DataType [maxNumber];



template <typename DataType>

QueueArray<DataType>::QueueArray(const QueueArray& other)


Size_max = NULL;

begin = -1;

rear = -1;

dataset_val = NULL;

//overloading operator to avoid replication

*this = other;


template <typename DataType>

QueueArray<DataType>& QueueArray<DataType>::operator=(const QueueArray<DataType>& other)


int ptr = -1;

// validates *this to check it copies itself

if( this == &other ) {

    return *this;


else {

        // copies

    if( Size_max != other.Size_max ) {

      // clone Size_max variable

      Size_max = other.Size_max;

      if( dataset_val != NULL ) {

        // dynamic memeory value returned

        delete [] dataset_val;


      // allocate new memry

      dataset_val = new DataType [Size_max];


    // clone the front and rear ptrs

    begin = other.begin;

    rear = other.rear;

    ptr = begin;

    if( (begin == rear) && (begin > -1) ) {

      dataset_val[ptr] = other.dataset_val[ptr];



    else if( begin > -1 ) {

            do {

                if( ptr == Size_max ) {

                    ptr = 0;


                dataset_val[ptr] = other.dataset_val[ptr];

                ++ ptr;

      } while( ptr != (rear + 1) );



return *this;



template <typename DataType>



delete [] dataset_val;

dataset_val = NULL;



template <typename DataType>

void QueueArray<DataType>::enqueue(const DataType& newDataItem)

    throw (logic_error)


if( isFull() ) {

        cout << "Error: Queue full!!!." << endl;


else {

    if( isEmpty() ) {

            begin = 0;

      rear = 0;


    else {    


        ++ rear;

                if( rear == Size_max ) {

          rear = 0;



        dataset_val[rear] = newDataItem;




template <typename DataType>

DataType QueueArray<DataType>::dequeue() throw (logic_error){

int return_ptr = begin;

if( isEmpty() ) {


    cout << "Error: Empty queue." << endl;


else {

                ++ begin;

      if( begin == Size_max ) {

                begin = 0;



      if( (begin == (rear + 1))|| ((begin == 0) && (rear == (Size_max - 1))) ) {

        begin = -1;

        rear = -1;


    return dataset_val[return_ptr];




template <typename DataType>

void QueueArray<DataType>::clear() {

begin = -1;

rear = -1;



template <typename DataType>

bool QueueArray<DataType>::isEmpty() const {

return (begin == -1);



template <typename DataType>

bool QueueArray<DataType>::isFull() const


if( (begin == 0) && (rear == (Size_max - 1)) ) {


    return true;


else if( rear == (begin - 1) ) {


    return true;


else {


    return false;




template <typename DataType>

void QueueArray<DataType>::putFront(const DataType& newDataItem)

    throw (logic_error) {

if( isFull() ) {


    cout << "Error: queue is full." << endl;



else {


    if( isEmpty() ) {


      begin = 0;

      rear = 0;



    else {


        -- begin;


        if( begin < 0 ) {


          begin = (Size_max - 1);




    dataset_val[begin] = newDataItem;




template <typename DataType>

DataType QueueArray<DataType>::getRear() throw (logic_error) {

int return_ptr = -1;

if( isEmpty () ) {


    cout << "Error: queue empty." << endl;



else {


    return_ptr = rear;


    if( begin == rear ) {


      begin = -1;

      rear = -1;



    else {


        -- rear;


        if( rear < 0 ) {


          rear = (Size_max - 1);




    return dataset_val[return_ptr];




template <typename DataType>

int QueueArray<DataType>::getLength() const


int len = -8;  

int inter_med = 0;   

if( begin < rear ) {


    len = (rear - begin + 1);


else if( rear < begin ) {


    inter_med = (Size_max - begin);


    inter_med += rear;


    len = (inter_med + 1);


else if( (begin == rear) && (begin >= 0) ) {


    len = 1;


else {


    len = 0;


return len;


//For the above code the show structure template will be

template <typename DataType>

void QueueArray<DataType>::showStructure() const


    int j;  

    if ( begin == -1 )

       cout << "Empty queue" << endl;



       cout << "begin = " << begin << " rear = " << rear << endl;

       for ( j = 0 ; j < Size_max ; j++ )

           cout << j << "\t";

       cout << endl;

       if ( rear >= begin )

          for ( j = 0 ; j < Size_max ; j++ )

              if ( ( j >= begin ) && ( j <= rear ) )

                 cout << dataset_val[j] << "\t";


                 cout << " \t";


          for ( j = 0 ; j < Size_max ; j++ )

              if ( ( j >= begin ) || ( j <= rear ) )

                 cout << dataset_val[j] << "\t";


                 cout << " \t";

       cout << endl;



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