
In: Computer Science

Create table, create primary and foreign key constraints. Create index on the table to satisfy a...

Create table, create primary and foreign key constraints. Create index on the table to satisfy a query with aggregate functions.


Expert Solution

Note: Using SQL*Plus

            __________ ---> Primary key

            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---> Foreign key


Department (dname, dnumber)

Employee (ssn, name, salary, sex, address, dno)

To Create two tables (referencing and referenced)

1. Creating referenced table Department first:

    Create table Department (

    dname varchar(15) unique not null,

    dnumber int ,

    Primary key (dnumber));

desc Department;

2. Inserting data into Department Table

     Insert into Department values ('Research',1);

     Insert into Department values ('HR',2);

    Insert into Department values ('Development',3);

     Insert into Department values ('Testing',4);

select * from department;

3. Creating referencing table Employee first

   Create table Employee(

   ssn char(9),

   name varchar(15) not null,

   salary decimal(10,2),

   sex char,

   address varchar(30),

   dno int not null,

   primary key(ssn),

   foreign key(dno) references Department(dnumber));


desc Employee

4. Inserting values into Employees

   Insert into Employee values('emp001','Ram',30000,'M','RT Nagar, Blore',3);

   Insert into Employee values('emp002','Sudha',75000,'F','Hebbal, Blore',2);

   Insert into Employee values('emp003','Ravi',20000,'M','Hebbal, Blore',4);

   Insert into Employee values('emp004','Rohan',80000,'M','RT Nagar, Mysore',1);

   Insert into Employee values('emp005','Amar',35000,'M','MG Road, Mysore',3);

   Insert into Employee values('emp006','Anil',45000,'M','MG Road, Noida',3);

   Insert into Employee values('emp007','Tanya',35000,'F','Yelahanka, Blore',3);

   Insert into Employee values('emp008','Kavita',50000,'F','Baglur, Blore',1);

   Insert into Employee values('emp009','John',45000,'M','RT Nagar, Blore',4);


select * from employee;

5. Create index on employyes table on salary column to use aggregate functions

   Create Index idx on Employee(salary);


6. Use aggregate function

   select sum(salary) from employee;


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