
In: Economics

The violation of six unfair labor practices was an unethical task of the union or brewery company.

The violation of six unfair labor practices was an unethical task of the union or brewery company. All the carpenters and other employees refused to work, which is an illegal activity. Labor unions should not misuse their right to protest. Thus, calling a strike puts adverse impact on productivity and operational efficiency. The situational turmoil of the brewery workers can be managed by agreeing instead of going for the strike which spoils working days. The manager of the brewery company and the leader of the labor unions of the company should take the effective initiative by taking the confusion to the discussion table to resolve the issue as early as possible. Integrity towards the job and integrity for the employees must replace strike. An agreement can be beneficial here to resume the operation again.


Expert Solution

It is a common understanding, untrue but still persists, that management is against employee from employee's point of view and employees are lazy from management point of view. But both of them work for a common goal in a larger picture, even when they do not realise. So to work in harmony is the necessity of any organization, if they want to grow.

Here comes the role of Labour union and managers. It is as per the law that Management cannot interfere with any employee rights to join or form an union. In the same way labour union cannot force employer or employee for a favorable decision for itself or coerce employee to do some act of retaliation even when it is not common good for the employees.

Strikes generally done by the employees are for better pay or facilities, which is not unfair in most cases. However it is also true that if you think of productivity and operational efficiency, there shouldn't be any strike from employees. But productivity will also decrease if you make them work without meeting their needs. And if management and labour union leader is proactive then they should already assess and work towards resolving any dispute or strikes prevailing. Cause ultimately any strike or dispute gets resolved by discussion, so why to delay and wait for an actual strike to happen.

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