
In: Computer Science

Hello all, I am toward the beginning of my semseter and am still pretty rusty working...

Hello all, I am toward the beginning of my semseter and am still pretty rusty working with code. here is my following goal: basically create a structure and populate an array from a txt file which contains

98 45.70
72 15.0
12 0.0
56 43.26
83 123.0
28 931.96
123 12.38

"Create a struct named familyFinance that contains 2 members: ▪ int acctNos ▪ float balance o (prior to the while loop) Create an array financeAry (size 10), of type familyFinance o Populate familyFinance by reading from the file lab3data.txt (each line has an acctNo and balance) o Modify function parameters (for spitThemOut and anyBelowThreshold) so they work with financeAry. Modify as well, the prototypes, and the actual calling/invocation (in while loop). NO change to function names. o (in while loop) If Option 1 chosen, cout “NOT implemented.” and comment the call to printOnesBelowThreshold"

here is what i have for code so far.

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

void printOnesBelowThreshold(float, int [], float [], int);

void spitThemOut(int [], float [], int);

bool anyBelowThreshold(int [], float [], int, float);

struct familyFinance {

    int acctNOS;

    float balance;


int main() {

    int acctNos[] = {98, 72, 12, 56, 83, 28, 123};

    float balance[] = {45.70, 15, 0, 43.26, 123, 931.96, 12.38};

    int noAccounts = 7, option;

    float threshold;

    double financeAry [10];

    int x = 0;


    ifstream inFile;"lab3data.txt");



        inFile >> financeAry[x].acctNos;

        infile >> balance[x].acctNos







    while (true) {

        cout << "Option (1 2 3 or other# to quit): ";

        cin >> option;

        switch (option) {

            case 1:

                cout << endl << "Not Implemented: ";


            case 2:

                spitThemOut(acctNos, balance, noAccounts);


            case 3:

                cout << endl << "Balance threshold please: ";

                cin >> threshold;

                if (anyBelowThreshold (acctNos, balance, noAccounts, threshold))

                    cout << endl << "Yes, some a/c below balance of :" << threshold;



                cout << endl << "All done" << endl;





//Option 1: Dipaly each account and balance, if < Threshold

void printOnesBelowThreshold(float threshold, int acctNos[], float balance[], int upperBound) {

    cout << showpos;

    for (int i = 0; i < upperBound; i++) {

        if (balance[i] < threshold) {

            cout << "Acct, Balance < Threshold: " << setw(3)

                << acctNos [i] << " " << balance[i] << endl;




//Option 2: Dipaly each account and balance

void spitThemOut(int acctNos[], float balance[], int upperBound) {

    cout << showpos;

    for (int i = 0; i < upperBound; i++) {

        cout << "Acct, Balance: " << setw(3)

            << acctNos [i] << " " << balance[i] << endl;



//Option 3: Return true if any Balance < Threshold

bool anyBelowThreshold (int acctNos[], float balance[], int upperBound, float threshold) {

    for (int i = 0; i < upperBound; i++)

        if (balance[i] < threshold)

            return true;

    return false;



Expert Solution

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

#include <fstream>

#include <cstdlib> // for exit

using namespace std;

struct familyFinance


       int acctNos;

       float balance;


// function prototypes

void printOnesBelowThreshold(float, familyFinance [] , int);

void spitThemOut(familyFinance [], int);

bool anyBelowThreshold(familyFinance [], int, float);

int main() {

       int size = 10;

       familyFinance financeAry[size];

       float threshold;

       int noAccounts, option;

       ifstream inFile;"lab3data.txt");

       if(inFile.is_open()) // if file can be opened


             noAccounts = 0;

             // read till the end of file or till maximum size of array records have been read

             while(!inFile.eof() && (noAccounts < size))


                    inFile >> financeAry[noAccounts].acctNos>>financeAry[noAccounts].balance;



             inFile.close(); // close the file


             while (true) {

                    cout << "Option (1 2 3 or other# to quit): ";

                    cin >> option;

                    switch (option) {

                           case 1:

                                 cout << endl << "Not Implemented: ";


                           case 2:

                                 spitThemOut(financeAry, noAccounts);


                           case 3:

                                 cout << endl << "Balance threshold please: ";

                                 cin >> threshold;

                                 if (anyBelowThreshold (financeAry, noAccounts, threshold))

                                        cout << endl << "Yes, some a/c below balance of :" << threshold<<endl;



                                 cout << endl << "All done" << endl;





       return 0;


//Option 1: Display each account and balance, if < Threshold

void printOnesBelowThreshold(float threshold, familyFinance financeAry[], int upperBound) {

    cout << showpos;

    for (int i = 0; i < upperBound; i++) {

        if (financeAry[i].balance < threshold) {

            cout << "Acct, Balance < Threshold: " << setw(3)

                << financeAry[i].acctNos << " " << financeAry [i].balance << endl;




//Option 2: Display each account and balance

void spitThemOut(familyFinance financeAry[], int upperBound) {

    cout << showpos;

    for (int i = 0; i < upperBound; i++) {

        cout << "Acct, Balance: " << setw(3)

            << financeAry[i].acctNos << " " << financeAry[i].balance << endl;



//Option 3: Return true if any Balance < Threshold

bool anyBelowThreshold (familyFinance financeAry[], int upperBound, float threshold) {

    for (int i = 0; i < upperBound; i++)

        if (financeAry[i].balance < threshold)

            return true;

    return false;


//end of program


Input File:


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