
In: Computer Science

In C++. Write a program that uses array to calculate the factorial of a reasonable large...

In C++. Write a program that uses array to calculate the factorial of a reasonable large number (say, up to 2,000).  


Expert Solution



using namespace std;

#define size 5737 // It produce upto 5737 digits

void factorial(int n); // Function prototype

int fact(int i, int array[], int arraySize); // Function prototype

int main()


  int n; // variable declaration

  cout<<"Enter a number(upto 2000): ";

  cin>>n; // Accept n value

  cout<<"Factorial of "<<n<<" is:"<<endl;

  factorial(n); // calling function to find the factorial

  return 0;


void factorial(int n) // calling function to find factorial


  int array[size];

  array[0] = 1;

  int arraySize = 1;


  for (int i=2; i<=n; i++)

    arraySize = fact(i, array, arraySize); // recusive calling to find output size


  for (int j=arraySize-1; j>=0; j--)

    cout << array[j]; // print factorial using array



int fact(int i, int array[], int arraySize) // calling function to find output size


  int check = 0;

  for (int k=0; k< arraySize; k++)


int m = array[k] * i + check;

    array[k] = m % 10;

    check = m/10;


  while (check)


    array[arraySize] = check%10;

    check = check/10;



  return arraySize;



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