
In: Computer Science

Purpose Review and reinforcement of pointers, dynamic memory allocation, pointer arithmetic, passing pointers to a function,...


Review and reinforcement of pointers, dynamic memory allocation, pointer arithmetic, passing pointers to a function, returning a pointer by a function, dangling pointer, and memory deallocation, pointer initialization, and struct data type.

Project description

In this project, you will create a database of employees of an organization while meeting the requirements described below. Your program MUST NOT interact with the user to receive inputs, so that the instructor and/or the teaching assistant can save a big time in testing programs.

  1. Construction of a Database of Employees
  1. Employee

Employee is a struct data type that has the following attributes, or data members, or data fields

struct Employee {

string firstName;

string lastName;

int     SSN;

string department;

Role    role;

double salary;


The data type Role is defined as below.

enum Role {programmer, manager, director};

Define Employee.h and include the two data types above in the file. Role must be defined before Employee because Employee uses Role.

  1. Create an array of employees (considered as a database) with the size of 5 by using one single dynamic memory allocation
  2. Set the salaries of employees by defining and calling setSalaries() in which each employee is given a salary with a random number ranging from 45000 to 65000
  3. Set the roles of employees by defining and setRoles() in which each employee is given a random role
  4. In order to fill out other data members of each employee, you can do hardcoding or apply random number generator and/or string manipulation or any of your choice, as long as your program does not interact with the user.
  5. Display on the console information of all employees using a table format

  1. Display of the Statistics
    1. Display the average salary of the employees on the console
    2. Display the information of programmers only on the console

  1. Memory management
  1. Release any dynamically allocated memory in your program without memory leak
  2. Reset any pointer variable if it is no longer used. Otherwise, such a pointer variable becomes a dangling pointer pointing to a memory that has been deleted already.
  1. Readability
    1. Apply indentations appropriately to make your program readable.

  1. Others
  1. No need of classes/objects
  2. No need of makefile


Expert Solution




using namespace std;
enum Role { programmer, manager, director };
struct Employee {
   string firstName;
   string lastName;
   int     SSN;
   string department;
   Role    role;
   double salary;


#include <iostream>
#include "Employee.h"
using namespace std;
//Function prototypes
void setSalaries(Employee*,int);
void setRoles(Employee*, int);
void setOther(Employee*, int);
void displayEmployeeIndormation(Employee*, int);
void displayAvgSalry(Employee*, int);
void displayProgrammerInformation(Employee*, int);
int main()
    //Create an array of employee
   Employee *employees;
   //Allocate size dynamically
   employees = new Employee[5];
   //Call setter functions
   setSalaries(employees, 5);
   setRoles(employees, 5);
   setOther(employees, 5);
   //Call display functions
   displayEmployeeIndormation(employees, 5);
   displayAvgSalry(employees, 5);
   displayProgrammerInformation(employees, 5);
   //Call memory deallocation
   delete[] employees;
//Function to set salary of each employee between 45000 - 65000
void setSalaries(Employee* employees, int cnt) {
   for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
       employees[i].salary = 45000 + (std::rand() % (65000 - 45000 + 1));
//Function to set roles of each employee
void setRoles(Employee* employees, int cnt) {
   for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
       employees[i].role =Role(rand() % 3);
//Function to set Other values of employees
void setOther(Employee* employees, int cnt) {
   char consonents[] = { 'b','c','d','f','g','h','j','k','l','m','n','p','q','r','s','t','v','w','x','z' };
   char vowels[] = { 'a','e','i','o','u','y' };
   string departments[] = { "Accounts","Sales","Manufacturing","Technical" };
   for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
       string name1 = "", name2 = "";
       int random = rand() % 2;
       int count = 0;
       for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

           if (random < 2 && count < 2) {
               name1 = name1 + consonents[rand() % 19];
               name2 = name2 + consonents[rand() % 19];
           else {
               name1 = name1 + vowels[rand() % 5];
               name2 = name2 + vowels[rand() % 5];
               count = 0;

           random = rand() % 2;
       employees[i].firstName = name1;
       employees[i].lastName = name2;
       employees[i].SSN = i + 10;
       employees[i].department = departments[rand() % 4];
//Function to display all employees information
void displayEmployeeIndormation(Employee* employees, int cnt) {
   cout << "\nEMPLOYEE DETAILS:-" << endl;
   for (int i = 0; i < 74; i++) {
       cout << "-";
   cout << "\n| FirstName    | LastName    | SSN    | Department    | Role     | Salary |" << endl;
   for (int i = 0; i < 74; i++) {
       cout << "-";
   cout << endl;
   for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
       cout << "| " << setw(8) << employees[i].firstName << setw(6) << "|"
           << setw(8) << employees[i].lastName << setw(6) << "|"
           << setw(4) << employees[i].SSN << setw(5) << "|"
           << setw(8) << employees[i].department << setw(8) << "|";
       if (employees[i].role == 0) {
           cout << setw(10) << "Programmer" << "|";
       else if (employees[i].role == 1) {
           cout << setw(8) << "Manager" << setw(3) << "|";
       else if (employees[i].role == 2) {
           cout << setw(8) << "Director" << setw(3) << "|";
       cout << setw(6) << employees[i].salary << setw(3) << "|" << endl;;
   for (int i = 0; i < 74; i++) {
       cout << "-";
   cout << endl;
//Function to display average salary
void displayAvgSalry(Employee* employees, int cnt) {
   double avgSal = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
       avgSal += employees[i].salary;
   cout << "\nAverage Salary = " << (avgSal / cnt) << endl;
//Function to display programmer information
void displayProgrammerInformation(Employee* employees, int cnt) {
   cout << "\nPROGRAMMER DETAILS:-" << endl;
   for (int i = 0; i < 74; i++) {
       cout << "-";
   cout << "\n| FirstName    | LastName    | SSN    | Department    | Role     | Salary |" << endl;
   for (int i = 0; i < 74; i++) {
       cout << "-";
   cout << endl;
   for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
       if (employees[i].role == 0) {
           cout << "| " << setw(8) << employees[i].firstName << setw(6) << "|"
               << setw(8) << employees[i].lastName << setw(6) << "|"
               << setw(4) << employees[i].SSN << setw(5) << "|"
               << setw(8) << employees[i].department << setw(8) << "|"
               << setw(10) << "Programmer" << "|"
               << setw(6) << employees[i].salary << setw(3) << "|" << endl;
   for (int i = 0; i < 74; i++) {
       cout << "-";
   cout << endl;



| FirstName    | LastName    | SSN    | Department    | Role     | Salary |
|    jhitc     |   jviqk     | 10    |   Sales       | Manager | 45041 |
|    tmufr     |   dlipg     | 11    |   Sales       |Programmer| 63467 |
|    mbupr     |   wmitw     | 12    |Accounts       |Programmer| 51334 |
|    wnuwq     |   xtojw     | 13    |   Sales       | Manager | 51499 |
|    spagj     |   dgeqd     | 14    |   Sales       |Director | 64169 |

Average Salary = 55102

| FirstName    | LastName    | SSN    | Department    | Role     | Salary |
|    tmufr     |   dlipg     | 11    |   Sales       |Programmer| 63467 |
|    mbupr     |   wmitw     | 12    |Accounts       |Programmer| 51334 |

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