
In: Computer Science

Implement a class Polynomial that uses a dynamic array of doubles to store the coefficients for...

Implement a class Polynomial that uses a dynamic array of doubles to store the coefficients for a polynomial. Much of this work can be modelled on the C++ dynamic array of ints List that we discussed in class. This class does not need the method the overloaded += operator. Your class should have the following methods: Write one constructor that takes an integer n for the degree of a term and a double coefficient c for the coefficient of the term and creates the polynomial c x^n. (This constructor can be given default arguments easily to have a default constructor.) Remove the existing constructor. Write one constructor that takes an array of doubles and the number of entries and uses the array to make a Polynomial object. Use the append method to do this. Overload the operators +, -, and * so you can add, subtract and multiply polynomials. Overload the output operator << so you can output a representation of your operator to cout or a file. Overload the [ ] operator so you can extract or change a coefficient of a polynomial. Write a method degree that returns the degree of the polynomial. Write a method eval that takes a double argument x and returns the value of the Polynomial at x. Be sure to write a destructor, copy constructor, and assignment operator. The Polynomial class should have private member variables coeffs_ for the array of coefficients, size_ for the number of positions used in the array, capacity_ for the capacity of the array of coefficients.



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plynomial.h file

using namespace std;
//Create a class Polynomial
class Polynomial {
   double* coefficients;
   int size_used;
//Member functions
   Polynomial(double Coeffs[], int terms);
   //Copy constructor
   Polynomial(const Polynomial& a);
   //Operator overloads
   Polynomial& operator= (const Polynomial& rhs);
   const Polynomial operator+ (const Polynomial& other) const;
   const Polynomial operator- (const Polynomial& other) const;
   const Polynomial operator* (const Polynomial& other) const;
   friend ostream & operator << (ostream &out, const Polynomial &c);
   double operator[](int index);
   //Evaluate a polynomial
   double evaluateAt(int x);


#include "plynomial.h"
//Constructor allocate array with passed size and allocate values
Polynomial::Polynomial(double Coeffs[], int N_terms) {
   size_used= N_terms;
   coefficients= new double[size_used];
   for (int i = 0; i < size_used; i++)
       coefficients[i] = Coeffs[i];
//Destructor, deallocate allocated memory
Polynomial::~Polynomial() {
   if (coefficients)
       delete[] coefficients;
       coefficients = nullptr;
//Copy constructor
Polynomial::Polynomial(const Polynomial& a) {
   size_used = a.size_used;
   coefficients = new double[size_used];
   for (int i = 0; i < size_used; i++)
       coefficients[i] =a.coefficients[i];
//Assignment operator overload
Polynomial& Polynomial::operator= (const Polynomial& a) {
   if (this == &a)
       return *this;

   this->size_used = a.size_used;
   coefficients = new double[size_used];
   for (int i = 0; i < size_used; i++)
       this->coefficients[i] = a.coefficients[i];
   return *this;
//Operator + overload
const Polynomial Polynomial::operator+ (const Polynomial& other) const {
   int maxSize = (size_used > other.size_used) ? size_used : other.size_used;
   double *a;
   a=new double[maxSize];
   for (int i = 0; i <= maxSize; i++) {
       a[i] = coefficients[i] + other.coefficients[i];
   Polynomial p(a,maxSize);
   return p;
//Operator - overload
const Polynomial Polynomial::operator- (const Polynomial& other) const {
   int maxSize = (size_used > other.size_used) ? size_used : other.size_used;
   double *a;
   a = new double[maxSize];
   for (int i = 0; i <= maxSize; i++) {
       a[i] = coefficients[i] - other.coefficients[i];
   Polynomial p(a, maxSize);
   return p;
//Operator * overload
const Polynomial Polynomial::operator* (const Polynomial& other) const {
   int maxSize = (size_used > other.size_used) ? size_used : other.size_used;
   double *a;
   a = new double[maxSize];
   for (int i = 0; i <= maxSize; i++) {
       a[i] = coefficients[i] * other.coefficients[i];
   Polynomial p(a, maxSize);
   return p;
//Function to evaluate polynomial value
double Polynomial::evaluateAt(int x)
   double sum = 0.0;
   double xPow = 1.0;
   if (coefficients)
       for (int i = 0; i < size_used; i++)
           sum += xPow * coefficients[i];
           xPow *= x;

   return sum;
//Extraction operator overload
ostream& operator<< (ostream &out, const Polynomial &c)
   out <<c.coefficients[c.size_used-1]<< "x^" << c.size_used - 1;
   for (int i = c.size_used - 2; i >= 0; i--)
       std::cout << " + " << c.coefficients[i] << "x^" << i;
   return out;
//Overload index operator
double Polynomial::operator[](int index) {
   if (index >= size_used)
       cout << "No element in that coefficient\n";
       return -1;
   return coefficients[index];


Test class

#include "plynomial.h"

int main()
   //Two double arrays for check
   double coeff1[] = { 1.2,3.4 };
   double coeff2[] = { 1.2,3.4,1.5 };
   //Create 2 polynomials
   Polynomial p1(coeff1, 2);
   Polynomial p2(coeff1, 2);
   //Evaluate check
   cout <<"Evaluate check: "<<p1.evaluateAt(1) << endl;
   //Add check
   Polynomial p3=p1 + p2;
   cout <<"Addition check: "<< p3 << endl;
   //Assignment check
   p3 = p1;
   cout << "Assignment check: " << p3 << endl;
   //Subtract check
   Polynomial p4(coeff2, 3);
   p3 = p4-p3;
   cout << "Subtraction check: " << p3 << endl;
   //Index check
   cout << "Index check: " << p4[1] << endl;

Output :

Evaluate check: 4.6
Addition check: 6.8x^1 + 2.4x^0
Assignment check: 3.4x^1 + 1.2x^0
Subtraction check: 1.5x^2 + 0x^1 + 0x^0
Index check: 3.4

Thank you...

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