How is 00001001 (base 2) represented in 8-bit two’s complement
Convert 0.3828125 to binary with 4 bits to the right of the binary
How is 00110100 (base 2) represented in 8-bit one's
1a. Convert 67 (base 10) to 8-bit binary using signed magnitude.
Show your work.
1b. Convert 69 (base 10) to 8-bit binary using one’s complement.
Show your work
1c. Convert 70 (base 10) to 8-bit binary using two’s complement.
Show your work.
1d. Convert - 67 (base 10) to 8-bit binary using signed
1e. Convert - 67 (base 10) to 8-bit binary using ones
compliment. Show your work.
1f. Convert - 67 (base 10) to 8-bit binary using 2s...
1. Explain how to convert positive integers from base 3 to base
10 and vice versa. Include examples.
2. Explain how to convert fractions from base 3 to base 10 and
vice versa. Include examples.
Add in the indicated base
56 base 8 + 75 base 8 =
Subtract in the indicated base
230 base 5 + 32 base 5
Multiply in the indicated base:
42 base 5 x 43 base 5
65 base 7 x 43 base 7
Convert the hexadecimal number directly to base 4; then convert
both the original number and your answer to binary to check your
Please show steps and explain