In: Computer Science
// A local community center is holding a fund raising 5k fun run and has invited 50 small businesses to make a small donation on their behalf for some much needed updates to their facilities. Each business has assigned a representative to attend the event along with a small donation.
// Scroll to the bottom of the list to use some advanced array methods to help the event director gather some information from the businesses.
const runners = [
{ id: 1, first_name: "Charmain", last_name: "Seiler", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Divanoodle", donation: 75 },
{ id: 2, first_name: "Whitaker", last_name: "Ierland", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Wordtune", donation: 148 },
{ id: 3, first_name: "Julieta", last_name: "McCloid", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Riffpedia", donation: 171 },
{ id: 4, first_name: "Martynne", last_name: "Paye", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XL", company_name: "Wordware", donation: 288 },
{ id: 5, first_name: "Gussy", last_name: "Raraty", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "L", company_name: "Oozz", donation: 291 },
{ id: 6, first_name: "Yule", last_name: "Tommasetti", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Yodo", donation: 27 },
{ id: 7, first_name: "Kathie", last_name: "Majury", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "3XL", company_name: "Zoomcast", donation: 261 },
{ id: 8, first_name: "Tanner", last_name: "Branton", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Realmix", donation: 28 },
{ id: 9, first_name: "Sarina", last_name: "Lasham", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XL", company_name: "Gigashots", donation: 110 },
{ id: 10, first_name: "Bertie", last_name: "Lonergan", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "3XL", company_name: "Skinte", donation: 62 },
{ id: 11, first_name: "Trevor", last_name: "Studd", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Cogidoo", donation: 76 },
{ id: 12, first_name: "Malachi", last_name: "Okeshott", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "M", company_name: "DabZ", donation: 91 },
{ id: 13, first_name: "Berget", last_name: "Logsdail", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "M", company_name: "Mymm", donation: 9 },
{ id: 14, first_name: "Loise", last_name: "Rivlin", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Linktype", donation: 204 },
{ id: 15, first_name: "Christan", last_name: "Kendall", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XS", company_name: "Skinix", donation: 252 },
{ id: 16, first_name: "Kayla", last_name: "Whitwam", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Oyope", donation: 147 },
{ id: 17, first_name: "Heddie", last_name: "Heningam", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "L", company_name: "Skinix", donation: 172 },
{ id: 18, first_name: "Mace", last_name: "Ballinger", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Nlounge", donation: 266 },
{ id: 19, first_name: "Nola", last_name: "Abberley", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XL", company_name: "Photospace", donation: 148 },
{ id: 20, first_name: "Nadine", last_name: "Tresler", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "3XL", company_name: "Wikido", donation: 292 },
{ id: 21, first_name: "Ulrikaumeko", last_name: "Vuittet", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Skinte", donation: 102 },
{ id: 22, first_name: "Saunder", last_name: "Spennock", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "3XL", company_name: "Kwimbee", donation: 213 },
{ id: 23, first_name: "Carmel", last_name: "Woffinden", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Rooxo", donation: 137 },
{ id: 24, first_name: "Marielle", last_name: "Kimmel", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "M", company_name: "Livetube", donation: 96 },
{ id: 25, first_name: "Brucie", last_name: "Burris", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Wordtune", donation: 128 },
{ id: 26, first_name: "Juan", last_name: "Berzon", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "3XL", company_name: "Einti", donation: 234 },
{ id: 27, first_name: "Sacha", last_name: "Olsen", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Viva", donation: 190 },
{ id: 28, first_name: "Jamey", last_name: "O'Nolan", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XL", company_name: "Skinix", donation: 31 },
{ id: 29, first_name: "Morrie", last_name: "Rainard", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XS", company_name: "Podcat", donation: 52 },
{ id: 30, first_name: "Fidel", last_name: "Roskelly", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XS", company_name: "Avavee", donation: 5 },
{ id: 31, first_name: "Toni", last_name: "MacSweeney", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "M", company_name: "Jaloo", donation: 82 },
{ id: 32, first_name: "Jessey", last_name: "Walhedd", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "L", company_name: "Trilia", donation: 5 },
{ id: 33, first_name: "Karola", last_name: "Piper", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "3XL", company_name: "Yombu", donation: 110 },
{ id: 34, first_name: "Marley", last_name: "Mitchenson", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "M", company_name: "Zoonoodle", donation: 97 },
{ id: 35, first_name: "Marrilee", last_name: "Thrasher", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XL", company_name: "Bluejam", donation: 17 },
{ id: 36, first_name: "Tye", last_name: "Manie", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "L", company_name: "Kanoodle", donation: 30 },
{ id: 37, first_name: "Charleen", last_name: "Sheering", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "3XL", company_name: "Jatri", donation: 262 },
{ id: 38, first_name: "Valma", last_name: "Eynaud", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XS", company_name: "Jaxbean", donation: 212 },
{ id: 39, first_name: "Dollie", last_name: "McDarmid", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Kayveo", donation: 74 },
{ id: 40, first_name: "Minna", last_name: "Hymas", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XS", company_name: "Vimbo", donation: 101 },
{ id: 41, first_name: "Jsandye", last_name: "Frend", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XS", company_name: "Latz", donation: 156 },
{ id: 42, first_name: "Yevette", last_name: "Hacket", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XL", company_name: "Lazzy", donation: 291 },
{ id: 43, first_name: "Hank", last_name: "Zebedee", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "L", company_name: "Gigashots", donation: 241 },
{ id: 44, first_name: "Jodie", last_name: "Stawell", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Jaxspan", donation: 262 },
{ id: 45, first_name: "Falito", last_name: "Karsh", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Mycat", donation: 239 },
{ id: 46, first_name: "Reginauld", last_name: "Purselowe", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "L", company_name: "Jabbersphere", donation: 11 },
{ id: 47, first_name: "Vida", last_name: "Tydd", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Quaxo", donation: 55 },
{ id: 48, first_name: "Anderea", last_name: "MacGiolla Pheadair", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Kwimbee", donation: 214 },
{ id: 49, first_name: "Bel", last_name: "Alway", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Voolia", donation: 107 },
{ id: 50, first_name: "Shell", last_name: "Baine", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "M", company_name: "Gabtype", donation: 171 },
// ==== Challenge 1: Use .forEach() ====
// The event director needs both the first and last names of each runner for their running bibs. Combine both the first and last names and populate a new array called `fullNames`. This array will contain just strings.
let fullNames = [];
// ==== Challenge 2: Use .map() ====
// The event director needs to have all the runners' first names in uppercase because the director BECAME DRUNK WITH POWER. Populate an array called `firstNamesAllCaps`. This array will contain just strings.
let firstNamesAllCaps = [];
// ==== Challenge 3: Use .filter() ====
// The large shirts won't be available for the event due to an ordering issue. We need a filtered version of the runners array, containing only those runners with large sized shirts so they can choose a different size. This will be an array of objects.
let runnersLargeSizeShirt = [];
// ==== Challenge 4: Use .reduce() ====
// The donations need to be tallied up and reported for tax purposes. Add up all the donations and save the total into a ticketPriceTotal variable.
let ticketPriceTotal = 0;
// ==== Challenge 5: Be Creative ====
// Now that you have used .forEach(), .map(), .filter(), and .reduce(). I want you to think of potential problems you could solve given the data set and the 5k fun run theme. Try to create and then solve 3 unique problems using one or many of the array methods listed above.
// Problem 1
// Problem 2
// Problem 3
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h2>Golf Score Calculator.</h2> <script> const runners = [ { id: 1, first_name: "Charmain", last_name: "Seiler", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Divanoodle", donation: 75 }, { id: 2, first_name: "Whitaker", last_name: "Ierland", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Wordtune", donation: 148 }, { id: 3, first_name: "Julieta", last_name: "McCloid", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Riffpedia", donation: 171 }, { id: 4, first_name: "Martynne", last_name: "Paye", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XL", company_name: "Wordware", donation: 288 }, { id: 5, first_name: "Gussy", last_name: "Raraty", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "L", company_name: "Oozz", donation: 291 }, { id: 6, first_name: "Yule", last_name: "Tommasetti", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Yodo", donation: 27 }, { id: 7, first_name: "Kathie", last_name: "Majury", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "3XL", company_name: "Zoomcast", donation: 261 }, { id: 8, first_name: "Tanner", last_name: "Branton", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Realmix", donation: 28 }, { id: 9, first_name: "Sarina", last_name: "Lasham", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XL", company_name: "Gigashots", donation: 110 }, { id: 10, first_name: "Bertie", last_name: "Lonergan", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "3XL", company_name: "Skinte", donation: 62 }, { id: 11, first_name: "Trevor", last_name: "Studd", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Cogidoo", donation: 76 }, { id: 12, first_name: "Malachi", last_name: "Okeshott", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "M", company_name: "DabZ", donation: 91 }, { id: 13, first_name: "Berget", last_name: "Logsdail", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "M", company_name: "Mymm", donation: 9 }, { id: 14, first_name: "Loise", last_name: "Rivlin", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Linktype", donation: 204 }, { id: 15, first_name: "Christan", last_name: "Kendall", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XS", company_name: "Skinix", donation: 252 }, { id: 16, first_name: "Kayla", last_name: "Whitwam", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Oyope", donation: 147 }, { id: 17, first_name: "Heddie", last_name: "Heningam", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "L", company_name: "Skinix", donation: 172 }, { id: 18, first_name: "Mace", last_name: "Ballinger", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Nlounge", donation: 266 }, { id: 19, first_name: "Nola", last_name: "Abberley", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XL", company_name: "Photospace", donation: 148 }, { id: 20, first_name: "Nadine", last_name: "Tresler", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "3XL", company_name: "Wikido", donation: 292 }, { id: 21, first_name: "Ulrikaumeko", last_name: "Vuittet", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Skinte", donation: 102 }, { id: 22, first_name: "Saunder", last_name: "Spennock", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "3XL", company_name: "Kwimbee", donation: 213 }, { id: 23, first_name: "Carmel", last_name: "Woffinden", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Rooxo", donation: 137 }, { id: 24, first_name: "Marielle", last_name: "Kimmel", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "M", company_name: "Livetube", donation: 96 }, { id: 25, first_name: "Brucie", last_name: "Burris", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Wordtune", donation: 128 }, { id: 26, first_name: "Juan", last_name: "Berzon", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "3XL", company_name: "Einti", donation: 234 }, { id: 27, first_name: "Sacha", last_name: "Olsen", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Viva", donation: 190 }, { id: 28, first_name: "Jamey", last_name: "O'Nolan", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XL", company_name: "Skinix", donation: 31 }, { id: 29, first_name: "Morrie", last_name: "Rainard", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XS", company_name: "Podcat", donation: 52 }, { id: 30, first_name: "Fidel", last_name: "Roskelly", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XS", company_name: "Avavee", donation: 5 }, { id: 31, first_name: "Toni", last_name: "MacSweeney", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "M", company_name: "Jaloo", donation: 82 }, { id: 32, first_name: "Jessey", last_name: "Walhedd", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "L", company_name: "Trilia", donation: 5 }, { id: 33, first_name: "Karola", last_name: "Piper", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "3XL", company_name: "Yombu", donation: 110 }, { id: 34, first_name: "Marley", last_name: "Mitchenson", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "M", company_name: "Zoonoodle", donation: 97 }, { id: 35, first_name: "Marrilee", last_name: "Thrasher", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XL", company_name: "Bluejam", donation: 17 }, { id: 36, first_name: "Tye", last_name: "Manie", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "L", company_name: "Kanoodle", donation: 30 }, { id: 37, first_name: "Charleen", last_name: "Sheering", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "3XL", company_name: "Jatri", donation: 262 }, { id: 38, first_name: "Valma", last_name: "Eynaud", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XS", company_name: "Jaxbean", donation: 212 }, { id: 39, first_name: "Dollie", last_name: "McDarmid", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Kayveo", donation: 74 }, { id: 40, first_name: "Minna", last_name: "Hymas", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XS", company_name: "Vimbo", donation: 101 }, { id: 41, first_name: "Jsandye", last_name: "Frend", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XS", company_name: "Latz", donation: 156 }, { id: 42, first_name: "Yevette", last_name: "Hacket", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "XL", company_name: "Lazzy", donation: 291 }, { id: 43, first_name: "Hank", last_name: "Zebedee", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "L", company_name: "Gigashots", donation: 241 }, { id: 44, first_name: "Jodie", last_name: "Stawell", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Jaxspan", donation: 262 }, { id: 45, first_name: "Falito", last_name: "Karsh", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Mycat", donation: 239 }, { id: 46, first_name: "Reginauld", last_name: "Purselowe", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "L", company_name: "Jabbersphere", donation: 11 }, { id: 47, first_name: "Vida", last_name: "Tydd", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Quaxo", donation: 55 }, { id: 48, first_name: "Anderea", last_name: "MacGiolla Pheadair", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "2XL", company_name: "Kwimbee", donation: 214 }, { id: 49, first_name: "Bel", last_name: "Alway", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "S", company_name: "Voolia", donation: 107 }, { id: 50, first_name: "Shell", last_name: "Baine", email: "[email protected]", shirt_size: "M", company_name: "Gabtype", donation: 171 }, ]; // ==== Challenge 1: Use .forEach() ==== // The event director needs both the first and last names of each runner for their running bibs. Combine both the first and last names and populate a new array called `fullNames`. This array will contain just strings. let fullNames = []; runners.forEach(x => fullNames.push(x.first_name + ' ' + x.last_name)); console.log(fullNames); // ==== Challenge 2: Use .map() ==== // The event director needs to have all the runners' first names in uppercase because the director BECAME DRUNK WITH POWER. Populate an array called `firstNamesAllCaps`. This array will contain just strings. let firstNamesAllCaps = []; firstNamesAllCaps = => x.first_name.toUpperCase()) console.log(firstNamesAllCaps); // ==== Challenge 3: Use .filter() ==== // The large shirts won't be available for the event due to an ordering issue. We need a filtered version of the runners array, containing only those runners with large sized shirts so they can choose a different size. This will be an array of objects. let runnersLargeSizeShirt = []; runnersLargeSizeShirt = runners.filter(x => x.shirt_size == 'L') console.log(runnersLargeSizeShirt); // ==== Challenge 4: Use .reduce() ==== // The donations need to be tallied up and reported for tax purposes. Add up all the donations and save the total into a ticketPriceTotal variable. let ticketPriceTotal = 0; ticketPriceTotal = runners.reduce(function(x, y) { return (x + y.donation) }, 0) console.log(ticketPriceTotal); // ==== Challenge 5: Be Creative ==== // Now that you have used .forEach(), .map(), .filter(), and .reduce(). I want you to think of potential problems you could solve given the data set and the 5k fun run theme. Try to create and then solve 3 unique problems using one or many of the array methods listed above. // Persons belonging to education domain. var eduPersons = { if('.edu')) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }).reduce((a, b) => (a + b)) console.log('People with eductional email: ' + eduPersons); // Problem 2 // Problem 3 </script> </body> </html>
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