
In: Computer Science

Examples Example 1: Write pseudo code that reads two numbers and multiplies them together and print...


Example 1: Write pseudo code that reads two numbers and multiplies them together and print out their product. Example 2: Write pseudo code that tells a user that the number they entered is not a 5 or a 6.

Example 3: Write pseudo code that performs the following: Ask a user to enter a number. If the number is between 0

and 10, write the word blue. If the number is between 10 and 20, write the word red. if the number is between

20 and 30, write the word green. If it is any other number, write that it is not a correct color option. Example 4: Write pseudo code to print all multiples of 5 between 1 and 100 (including both 1 and 100). Example 5: Write pseudo code that will count all the even numbers up to a user defined stopping point. Example 6: Write pseudo code that will perform the following.

a) Read in 5 separate numbers.

b) Calculate the average of the five numbers.

c) Find the smallest (minimum) and largest (maximum) of the five entered numbers.

d) Write out the results found from steps b and c with a message describing what they are

Homework 1: Write pseudo code that reads in three numbers and writes them all in sorted order.

Homework 2: Write pseudo code that will calculate a running sum. A user will enter numbers that will be added to the

sum and when a negative number is encountered, stop adding numbers and write out the final result


Expert Solution

Pseudocode is an informal way of communicating your algorithm for any computation problem that does not require any specific knowledge of syntax of any programming language. As We know, Once you know the algorithm, you can implement in with any programming language. Many interviewers ask for pseudocode rather than asking to write a program with a proper language syntax. This way they want to check your problem solving skills.

For the below pseudocodes // and /*---*/ represent comments.
Example 1:
   Read: x , y // Read two numbers in x and y
   Set: Product = x * y
   Print: product

Example 2:
   Read: x
   if x != 5 or x != 6 then // != represent not equal
       Print: It's not a 5 or 6
       Print: It's a 5 or 6

Example 3:
   Read: x
   if x >= 0 and x < 10 then
       Print: Blue
   else if x >= 10 and x < 20
       Print: Red
   else if x >= 20 and x < 30
       Print: Green
       Print: Not a correct color option

Example 4:

/* Start from 5 to 100 and increment by 5 everytime and print it. We could have started the loop from 1 as well and incrementing it 1 each time and check if it is a multiple of 5 or not, but that process will be slow*/
   for i = 5 to 100 by 5
       Print: i and goto new line

   for i = 5; i<=100; i = i + 5
       Print: i and goto new line

Example 5:
Solution (a)
   Read: x
   Initialize: count_of_even = 0
   for i=2 to x by 2
       count_of_even = count_of_even + 1
   Print: count_of_even
Solution (b)
   Read: x
   Initialize: count_of_even = 0
   for i = 2; i <= x; i = i+1
       if i % 2 == 0
           count_of_even = count_of_even + 1
   Print: count_of_even

Example 6:
   // Suppose A[0:4] represent an array of 5 numbers and Array index starts from 0 thus it will be A[0], A[1], A[2], A[3], A[4]
   Initialize: A[0:4]
   for i = 0 to 4 by 1:
       Read: A[i]
   Initialize: sum = 0, minimum = A[0], maximum = 0
   for i = 0 to 4 by 1:
       sum = sum + A[i]
       if A[i] < minimum
           minimum = A[i]
       if A[i] > maximum
           maximum = A[i]
   Print: "Average will be": sum/5
   Print: "Minimum of Array": minimum
   Print: "Maximum of Array": maximum

Homework 1:
   Read: a, b, c
   // Since there are three numbers We can just check and swap their positions based on their values
   if a > b
       swap a <=> b
   if a > c
       swap a <=> c
   // By this time you know that minimum number would have been assigned to a, now we just need to compare b and c
   if b > c
       swap b <=> c
   Print: a, b, c

Homework 2:
//Below pseudocode implements a while loop which means keep continuing the loop until your condition is satisfied
   Initialize: sum=0
   Read: x
   while x >= 0:
       sum = sum + x
       Read: x
   //while loop will exit as soon as you enter a number which is less than 0. It will not even go inside while loop if the first number you enter is 0.
   Print: sum  

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