
In: Computer Science

. Consider the character array as follows: char mySentence[] = "Hello World!"; The number of characters...

. Consider the character array as follows:

char mySentence[] = "Hello World!";

The number of characters in the array can be determined by application of the strlen() function. Therefore, the end of the array can be determined by pointer arithmetic as follows:

char * endArray = mySentence + strlen(mySentence);

Now that the end of the array has been determined, utilise pointers in C++ to output each character in array in reverse and display it to the console window.

What other techniques could be utilised to achieve the same result? Hint: The below lines of code can be used to output the last character in the mySentence[] array once the endArray pointer has been assigned to the last element of the mySentence[] array:

char mySentence[] = "Hello World!";

char * endArray = mySentence + strlen(mySentence);

cout << (char)*(endArray - 1) << endl;


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