
In: Computer Science

Write a Python program using functions and mainline logic which prompts the user to enter a...

Write a Python program using functions and mainline logic which prompts the user to enter a number, then generates that number of random integers and stores them in a file. It should then display the following data to back to the user:

  • The list of integers
  • The lowest number in the list
  • The highest number in the list
  • The total sum of all the numbers in the list
  • The average number in the list
  • At a minimum, the numbers should range from 0 to 50, but you can use any range you like.


Expert Solution

Please check out the code with the output... please do a comment for having any kind of doubt... thank...

please see the comments with the code for better understanding...

import random   #for random function
def Read(fname):     #for reading the data
        f=open(fname)   #opening file      #reading whole data as a string
        f.close()       #closing file
        return R    #returning the string
def ptr(list):    #prints the list
def lowest(list):   #prints the lowest element in the list
        print("lowest number in the list is ",min(list))
def highest(list):    #prints the lowest element in the list
        print("Highest number in the list is ",max(list))
def Sum(list):       #prints the sum of elements on the list
        print("Sum = ",sum(list))
        return sum(list)  #returns sum which is required for average
def avg(s,n):    #prints the average of the list
        print("Average is = ",float(s/n))

#start of main

x, y = [int(x) for x in input("Enter two value for range : ").split()]  #taking range of random integer
n=int(input("Enter the number of random integers : ")) #number of random integer
fname=input("Enter the file name : ")    #input file name where to store
f=open(fname,"w+")    #opening file for writing
for i in range(n):
        r=random.randint(x,y)   #generates random number b/w x,y
        f.write("%d "%r)   #writing in file
f.close()  #closing file
R=Read(fname)   #reading the file as a string
list=[]   #declearing a list
s=0    #s is required for calculating each of the number
for i in R:
        if i!=' ':   # if the current index is not a space
                s=s*10+int(i)   #calculating the integer number
                list.append(s)   #i.e. if it is a space, then one integer is complete. so append it to list
                s=0   #making s=0 again for next element
f.close()   #closing file
ptr(list)   #calling function


screen sort of code...

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