
In: Computer Science

Write a program In python of Jupiter notebook (using loops) that prompts the user to enter...

Write a program In python of Jupiter notebook (using loops) that prompts the user to enter his/her favorite English saying, then counts the number of vowels in that (note that the user may type the saying using any combination of upper or lower case letters).

Enter your favorite English saying: Actions speak LOUDER than words.
Number of wovels: 10


Expert Solution

Python code:

#initializing vowels
#asking for favorite English saying
saying=input("Enter your favorite English saying: ")
#initializing count as 0
#looping each charcter in saying
for i in saying:
    #checking if it is a vowel
    if(i in vowels):
        #incrementing count
#printing Number of vovels
print("Number of vovels:",count)


Input and Output:

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