
In: Computer Science

Please write in JAVA 1. Given the following array-based ADT list called colorList whose elements contain...

Please write in JAVA

1. Given the following array-based ADT list called colorList whose elements contain strings
            red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, violet
write the statement to insert the String element “pink” to the end of the list. Assume the front of the list is on the left.

2. Outline the basic steps to remove a node from the beginning of a list.

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Expert Solution

Code using inbuilt arraylist (just copy and paste to see the output)

import java.util.*;//util class contains arraylist
public class HelloWorld{

     public static void main(String []args){
        ArrayList<String> colourlist=new ArrayList<String>();//creating a arraylist of type string with name as colourlist
        System.out.println("creating the colourlist with predfined and now outputing each element");
        for(int i=0;i<colourlist.size();i++){
        //actual code given from here
        //adding pink to end of list
        colourlist.add("pink");//add basically adds element to end of arraylist adt
        System.out.println("displaying the colourlist adding the element pink to end of list");
        for(int i=0;i<colourlist.size();i++){
        colourlist.remove(0);//remove o means remioving first element from list
        System.out.println("colourlist after removing the first element ie red");
        for(int i=0;i<colourlist.size();i++){
        System.outprintln("in arraylist elements are deleted and inserted as deleted or inserted in simple array this process is carried by compiler itself");
}//end of class

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