
In: Computer Science

LANGUAGE PYTHON 3.7 Write a collection class named "Jumbler". Jumbler takes in an optional list of...


Write a collection class named "Jumbler". Jumbler takes in an optional list of strings as a parameter to the constuctor with various strings. Jumbler stores random strings and we access the items based on the methods listed below.

Jumbler supports the following methods:

add() : Add a string to Jumbler
get() : return a random string from Jumbler
max() : return the largest string in the Jumbler based on the length of the strings in the Jumbler.
iterator: returns an iterator to be able to iterate through all the strings in the jumbler.


Expert Solution

(*Note: Please up-vote. If any doubt, please let me know in the comments)

The class code and driver program code for testing are given below:

Class Code:

import random

class jumbler():

    def __init__(self,string_list=[]):

        self.mystrings = string_list   #will assign supplied list if given by user or an empty list otherwise


    #add method takes new string to be added as an argument

    def add(self,new_string=""):

        if new_string == "":

            new_string = input("Please enter the string to be added: ") #Ask for string if not supplied while calling the method


    def get(self):

        random_index = random.randrange(0,len(self.mystrings)) #generating a random integer within range to use as index

        return self.mystrings[random_index]


    def max(self):

        max_str = self.mystrings[0]   #initialize max to be the first string in the list

        for i in range(0,len(self.mystrings)):

            if len(self.mystrings[i])>len(max_str):

                max_str = self.mystrings[i]

        return max_str


    def __iter__(self):

        self.n = 0

        return self

    def __next__(self):

        if self.n < len(self.mystrings):

            result = self.mystrings[self.n] #return string at nth position

            self.n += 1

            return result


            raise StopIteration

Main driver program code for testing the class:

#main testing

J1 = jumbler(["This","is it"]) #Creating an object


J1.add("foolish") #testing add method

J1.add("pseudo turtle truth")


print(J1.get())  #testing get method

#testing the iterator using a for loop

for i in J1:


Code screenshot (for indentation reference):

Test Output Screenshot:

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