In: Operations Management
Why do you think groupthink happens? What are the pros and cons of groupthink?
Groupthink happens when a group consists of people are like-minded and have uniform opinions or a situation when people want to avoid conflict and want everyone to get along. it also happens when there is lot of stress to and people rush to make a decision.
Pros of groupthink:
1. People cooperate with each other and there is not much conflict in the discussion
2. No arguements. Everyone is on same page. Harmony is there
3. No one is hurt while making decision as everyone agress.
4. Since decisons are made quickly as everone think alike so the process is faster
Cons of groupthink:
1. No arguements and very little suggestions may lead to skipping of important facts needed for making decision
2. People who do not come under the majority which make the decision in the group, may feel left behind and being ignored.
3. Blindly agreeing to everyone may result in wrong decisions.
4. Nothing innovative happens while discussing as nobody contradicts which limits the scope of thinking.