Cost benefits analysis for global climate
- Cost benefit analysis can be defined as the cost incurred in a
project verses the benefit it can take out of the same. This can be
used for major business decision making.
- Since in this new era of business there has been tremendous
climate change in the cost benefit analysis has also had to be
re-evaluated to suits the changing business needs.
- Global climate change can be defined as business going
international crossing borders. Hence for different business
situations the cost benefit analysis had to be done
- Hence alternatives have been introduced in cost benefit
analysis like changes in normative analysis, having a standard
interpretations etc to make it a successful tool.
- The usage of dollar impacts in order to check the economic
status and interest rate changes has been a major change due to
this climate change policy.
Potential Problems on this analysis are explained
- The main problem with this would be when policies differ
between different countries.
- Deciding on what is more valuable differs from individual to
individual and hence keeping a base for calculation is
- Utility scale agreement by individual developing the policy has
also been a challenge.