
In: Computer Science

IN C++ PLEASE!!! Design and implement a programming (name it SimpleMath) that reads two floating-point numbers...

IN C++ PLEASE!!! Design and implement a programming (name it SimpleMath) that reads two floating-point numbers (say R and T) and prints out their values, sum, difference, and product on separate lines with proper labels.


Expert Solution


let me provide the code for your problem.(i will also provide the snapshot of output).

code starts here:-

using namespace std;
int main()
    float r,t;
    cout<<"enter first floating value: ";
    cout<<"enter second floating number: ";
    cout<<"the first value is "<<r<<" and second value is "<<t<<endl;
    cout<<r<<" + "<<t<<" = "<<r+t<<endl;
    cout<<r<<" - "<<t<<" = "<<r-t<<endl;
    cout<<r<<" * "<<t<<" = "<<r*t<<endl;

    return 0;

code ends here

this is a simple code, we have declared two variable of type float, and prompted the user to provide two floating values.

when user provided these value , we show them four statements, showing the values, there sum , there difference and ther product.

the snapshot of output is follow:-

i hope i was able to solve your problem to a greater extent, feel free to raise your queries in comments section. I will surely respond to them.Please consider my efforts and upvote my solution.


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