
In: Operations Management

read ONE ARTICLE from a reputable business journal of your choice (and summarize the article's focus...

read ONE ARTICLE from a reputable business journal of your choice (and summarize the article's focus in a half-page. Just provide an overview of the big ideas presented. Please provide the title of the article, author AND any website/URL where you found it.


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Main Ideas of the Article:

Elon Musk, a pioneer of technology and co-founder of Tesla Inc. has a new goal in mind; to make self driving cars a reality asap. We all know about tesla motors, but what we need right now is automated cars with latest tech. His latest additons would include eight cameras and 12 ultrasonic sensors that can detect both hard and soft objects.We don't need drivers anymore! Safe, easy and programmed driving. But how is he going to achieve this dream? He has started requesting his users to share the video feeds from their respective cars for street recognition, traffic light locations and stuff. The company has updated its data sharing policy. No personally identifiable stuff to worry about. They say "Sharing is caring", yeah. With the latest update, the speed limit for AutoSteer(a main feature of autopilot) was removed. The main aim here is to increase the autonomy of the car. Can't wait for a driverless tesla to hit the streets. Zoooom!

Article Name - Tesla wants to make self-driving cars a reality by collecting more video data from drivers By Andrew J. Hawkins published on May 8, 2017

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