In: Accounting
Question 6 Question 2 Part (i) 6 marks You are working on the audit of Chip Ltd and have completed your review of controls over cash receipts. You have noted the following controls: Control 1: Handling of cash is entirely separate from the accounting department. Control 2: Before the accounting department posts sales invoices to the accounts receivable master file, cash receipts are matched to specific sales invoices. Control 3: The accounting department has a procedure whereby all recorded cash receipts are independently checked to ensure they are recorded correctly. Control 4: Cash is deposited every day at the bank. Required For each of the four (4) ‘Controls’ above: Identify the assertion(s) that this control will have an effect on in the financial report, AND provide an example of a procedure that could be used to test each control. In the answer below, please write the letter followed by your answer. Eg. (control 1) Your answer (control 2) Your answer
Summarized the information provided in the given question i.e., You are working on the audit of Chip Ltd and have completed your review of controls - - - - -
First of all, let's understand what internal control is and what internal check is.
Internal Control is the process designed, implemented and maintained by those charged with governance and management to provide REASONABLE assurance about the reliability of financial reporting (that the financial statements are free from material misstatement either due to fraud or error), efficiency and effectiveness of operations, safeguarding of operations and compliance with applicable laws.
Internal Check is operation when work of one person is checked by another person and no single person is allowed to record all the aspects of a transaction.
The answer is as follows:
1-Handling of cash is entirely separate from the accounting department- Preventive internal control, it is always a good internal check to maintain segregation of duties especially in areas where manipulation of asset is very easy(small volume but high value inventory, cash).
Examples to test the control
a)- Ensure cash holder maintains an electronic daily cash book of opening balance, inward and outward with particulars and closing balance record. Compare daily closing cash balances between the cash book and books of account.
b)-Surprise checks to ensure that
the cash holder's electronic cash book confirm actual physical cash
[7:24 PM, 10/31/2020] +91 96668 33083: 2-Before the accounting
department posts sales invoices to the accounts receivable master
file, cash receipts are matched to specific sales invoices-Error in
control, cash receipts from receivables should be matched with
sales invoices to ensure referencing in ledger which helps in
keeping track of overdue invoices.
Examples to test the control
a)-Getting contra statement from debtor and comparing the same with the ledger in our books of account to ensure accuracy of entries and correcting discrepancy if any.
b)-Monthly monitoring of overdue
accounts receivable so that any incorrect reference can be tracked
[7:25 PM, 10/31/2020] +91 96668 33083: 3-The accounting department
have a procedure whereby all recorded cash receipts are
independently checked to ensure they are recorded correctly-This
control is very useful to combat against teeming and lading fraud.
An independent check will ensure that the amount recorded in books
tie with physical cash received and the ledger in which entry is
posted is also accurate.
Examples to test the control
a)-Review of the work performed by supervisor(who independently checks the cash receipts) and scrutinizing where required.
b)-Reperforming the process in dummy database and comparing the end results.
c)-Seeking balance confirmations for voluminous receivable at regular intervals(say monthly)
4-Cash is deposited every day at the bank-Good control to avoid petty theft of cash and to control unnecessary cash expenses.
Examples to test the control
a)-Review of the bank deposit slips and comparing the same with physical cash reduction.