
In: Computer Science

Write the below C program using ARM assembly language and compile for Cortex A53. #include<stdio.h> void...

Write the below C program using ARM assembly language and compile for Cortex A53.


void quicksort(int number[25],int first,int last){

int i, j, pivot, temp;

























int main()


int i, count, number[25];

printf("Enter some elements (Maximum 25): ");


printf("Enter %d elements: ", count);




printf("The Sorted Order is: ");


printf(" %d",number[i]);

return 0;



Expert Solution

.model flat, c

;Code by Miguel Casillas.
;This code can be used and reproduced, please give credit

;void QuickSort(void *pArray, int nItems);
QuickSort PROC

;These registers must be restored at the end
push EBP
mov EBP, ESP
push EBX
push ESI
push EDI

;EBP + 8 is the array
;EBP + 12 is the number of items in the array

mov ESI, [EBP+8] ;ESI is the array

;setting ECX to the number of items
;we multiply by 4 (size of the element) in order to put ECX
;at the last address of the array
mov EAX, [EBP+12]
mov ECX, 4
mul ECX
mov ECX, EAX

;EAX will be our 'low index', we initially set it to 0
xor EAX, EAX

;EBX will be our 'high index', we initially set it to
;the last element of the array (currently stored in ECX)
mov EBX, ECX

;We now call our recursive function that will sort the array
call QuickRecursive

;Restoring the registers
pop EDI
pop ESI
pop EBX
pop EBP

QuickSort ENDP

;;Recursive QuickSort function

;if lowIndex >= highIndex, we exit the function
cmp EAX, EBX
jge PostIf

push EAX ;saving our low index, now EAX is 'i'
push EBX ;saving our high index, now EBX is 'j'
add EBX, 4 ;j = high + 1

;EDI is our pivot
;pivot = array[lowIndex];
mov EDI, [ESI+EAX]



add EAX, 4

;If i >= j, exit this loop
cmp EAX, EBX
jge End_iIncreaseLoop

;If array[i] >= pivot, exit this loop
cmp [ESI+EAX], EDI
jge End_iIncreaseLoop

;Go back to the top of this loop
jmp iIncreaseLoop



sub EBX, 4

;If array[j] <= pivot, exit this loop
cmp [ESI+EBX], EDI
jle End_jDecreaseLoop

;Go back to the top of this loop
jmp jDecreaseLoop


;If i >= j, then don't swap and end the main loop
cmp EAX, EBX
jge EndMainLoop

;Else, swap array[i] with array [j]
push [ESI+EAX]
push [ESI+EBX]

pop [ESI+EAX]
pop [ESI+EBX]

;Go back to the top of the main loop
jmp MainLoop


;Restore the high index into EDI
pop EDI

;Restore the low index into ECX
pop ECX

;If low index == j, don't swap
cmp ECX, EBX
je EndSwap

;Else, swap array[low index] with array[j]
push [ESI+ECX]
push [ESI+EBX]

pop [ESI+ECX]
pop [ESI+EBX]


;Setting EAX back to the low index
mov EAX, ECX

push EDI ;Saving the high Index
push EBX ;Saving j

sub EBX, 4 ;Setting EBX to j-1

;QuickSort(array, low index, j-1)
call QuickRecursive

;Restore 'j' into EAX
pop EAX
add EAX, 4 ;setting EAX to j+1

;Restore the high index into EBX
pop EBX

;QuickSort(array, j+1, high index)
call QuickRecursive




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