
In: Accounting

Music Teachers, Inc., is an educational association for music teachers that has 19,900 members. The association...

Music Teachers, Inc., is an educational association for music teachers that has 19,900 members. The association operates from a central headquarters but has local membership chapters throughout the United States. Monthly meetings are held by the local chapters to discuss recent developments on topics of interest to music teachers. The association’s magazine, Teachers’ Forum, is issued monthly with features about recent developments in the field. The association publishes books and reports and also sponsors professional courses that qualify for continuing professional education credit. The association’s statement of revenues and expenses for the current year is presented below.

Music Teachers, Inc.
Statement of Revenues and Expenses
For the Year Ended November 30
Revenues $ 3,308,000
Salaries 962,000
Personnel costs 240,500
Occupancy costs 233,000
Reimbursement of member costs to local chapters 580,000
Other membership services 530,000
Printing and paper 322,000
Postage and shipping 207,000
Instructors’ fees 79,000
General and administrative 33,000
Total expenses 3,186,500
Excess of revenues over expenses $ 121,500

The board of directors of Music Teachers, Inc., has requested that a segmented income statement be prepared showing the contribution of each segment to the association. The association has four segments: Membership Division, Magazine Subscriptions Division, Books and Reports Division, and Continuing Education Division. Mike Doyle has been assigned responsibility for preparing the segmented income statement, and he has gathered the following data:

a. The 19,900 members of the association pay dues of $100 per year, of which $20 covers a one-year subscription to the Teachers’ Forum. Other benefits include membership in the association and chapter affiliation. The portion of the dues covering the magazine subscription ($20) should be assigned to the Magazine Subscriptions Division.

b. A total of 2,500 one-year subscriptions to Teachers’ Forum were also sold last year to nonmembers and libraries at $40 per subscription. In addition to subscriptions, the journal generated $113,000 in advertising revenues.

c. The costs to produce the Teachers’ Forum magazine included $8 per subscription for printing and paper and $4 per subscription for postage and shipping.

d. A total of 28,200 technical reports and professional texts were sold by the Books and Reports Division at an average selling price per unit of $25. Average costs per publication were $4 for printing and paper and $2 for postage and shipping.

e. The association offers a variety of continuing education courses to both members and nonmembers. The one-day courses had a tuition cost of $75 each and were attended by 2,400 students. A total of 1,760 students took two-day courses at a tuition cost of $125 for each student. Outside instructors were paid to teach some courses.

f. Salary costs and space occupied by division follow:

Salaries Space Occupied (square feet)
Membership $ 223,000 3,000
Magazine Subscriptions 152,000 1,000
Books and Reports 306,000 1,000
Continuing Education 183,000 2,000
Corporate staff 98,000 3,000
Total $ 962,000 10,000

Personnel costs are 25% of salaries in the separate divisions as well as for the corporate staff. The $233,000 in occupancy costs includes $55,000 in rental cost for a warehouse used by the Books and Reports Division for storage purposes. Assume that this cost could be avoided if the division were eliminated.

g. Printing and paper costs other than for magazine subscriptions and for books and reports relate to the Continuing Education Division.

h. General and administrative expenses include costs relating to overall administration of the association as a whole. The company’s corporate staff does some mailing of materials for general administrative purposes.

The expenses that can be traced or assigned to the corporate staff, as well as any other expenses that are not traceable to the segments, will be treated as common costs. It is not necessary to distinguish between variable and fixed costs.


1. Prepare a segmented income statement for Music Teachers, Inc. This statement should show the segment margin for each division as well as results for the association as a whole.


Expert Solution

Music Teachers Inc.
Segmented Income Statement
Details Association Membership Magazine Books & Continuing
Total subscriptions Reports Education
   Membership dues 1990000 1592000 398000
   Non - member journal subscriptions 100000 100000
   Reports and texts 705000 705000
   Continuing education 400000 400000
   Advertising 113000 113000
Total Revenues 3308000 1592000 611000 705000 400000
Expenses traceable to segments:
    Salaries 864000 223000 152000 306000 183000
    Personnel costs (25% of salaries) 216000 55750 38000 76500 45750
    Occupancy costs 179300 53700 17900 71900 35800
    Printing paper 322000 178400 112800 30800
    Postage and shipping 145600 89200 56400
    Instructors fee 79000 79000
    Reimbursement of mebmer costs 580000 580000
    Other membershipservices 530000 530000
Total traceable expenses 2915900 1442450 475500 623600 374350
Segementwise excess of revenues over expenses 392100 149550 135500 81400 25650
Common expenses not traceable to dividions
     Salaries 98000
    Personnel costs (25% of salaries) 24500
    Occupancy costs 53700
    Postage and shipping 61400
    General andadministrative expenses 33000
Total common expenses 270600
Total excess of revenues over expenses 121500
Membership 19900
Membership dues per year 100
Share of Magazine subscription from this 20
Membership fee only 80
Total membership fee received 1592000
Total magazine subscription from mebmers 398000
Non member subscription for magazine 2500
Non member subscripition fee 40
Total non member subscription for magazine 100000
Total subscription for magazine 498000
Number of technical reports and professional texts sold 28200
Sale price per report/ text 25
Total revenue from technical reports and texts 705000
Continuing education
One-day course fee 75
Number of students that attended one-day course 2400
One-day course fee collected 180000
Two-day course fee 125
Number of students that attended two-day course 1760
Two-day course fee collected 220000
Total revenue of continuing education segment 400000
Occupancy costs
Total Membership Magazine Books & Continuing Corporate
subscriptions Reports Education Staff
Space occupied 10000 3000 1000 1000 2000 3000
Occupancy Costs 233000
Rent of warehouse for books and reports div. 54000 54000
To be allocated based on the space occupied 179000 53700 17900 17900 35800 53700
total occupancy costs 53700 17900 71900 35800 53700
Printing and paper costs 322000
Teacher's forum subscription 22300
Cost of printing per magazine 8
Total costs of printing for teachers' forum 178400
Techincal reports and texts 28200
Cost of printing per reort 4
Total cost of printing for reports and texts 112800
Printing and paper for continuing education 30800
Postage and shipping 207000
Teacher's forum subscription 22300
Cost of postage and shipping per magazine 4
Total costs of postage and shipping for teachers' forum 89200
Techincal reports and texts 28200
Cost of postage and shippingper reort 2
Total cost of postage and shipping for reports and texts 56400
Balance postage and shipping to corporate expenses 61400

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