
In: Operations Management

Compare how the United States differs from another country of your choice on Hofstede's dimensions of...

Compare how the United States differs from another country of your choice on Hofstede's dimensions of culture. Explain how your knowledge of these differences would influence you as a global manager if you were doing business internationally.



Expert Solution

Using the Hofstede's model, we try to find out differences between Indian and USA.

With regards to the Power distance, Indians seem more accepting of the fact that
unequal power lies with people in different hierarchical levels. In USA people are looking for a more equal society.

Also Indians focus on a more collective strength and are more considerate for family needs and requirement. In USA, people prefer individual gratification over collective benefits.

People also indulge in more restrainting behaviour in India and are more long term oriented. While in USA people are more tending towards instant gratification and have a short term orientation.

However both societies are more masculinity oriented in the sense that both tend to award achievement and assertiveness.

For an international manager, these differences and cultural sensibilities are important to ensure that the correct communication is made without hurting or offending sentiments. Also the understanding of these cultural nuances would mean that the motivators needs to be aligned with the cultural requirements to inspire employees and promote organizational growth.

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