Confidentiality means a health practitioner is not allowed to
share information pertinent to concerned patient without the
consent of the concerned individual .It is important for developing
mutual trust between patient and practitioners .
Importance of Healthcare Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) 1996
- easier to keep health insurance
- heath information privacy is the core of this act.
- ensures privacy and confidentiality of health care
- sensitive data related to patient cannot be disclosed without
his/her knowledge
- HIPPA act safeguards the personal data related to patient.
- it gives importance to personal rights and privacy
- individualhas the right to understand the health care
information concerning him.
- reduces the data loss and prevent fradullent activities
- reinforce the trust of health care workers
- reduces the leak of personal and health details
- enhance trust of data in heath care research
- reduces anxiety about disclosure of health information
- conversations with health care worker,health information in
records,billing information is protected
- patient can get copy of health information
- consent for sharing health information is sought