The events in developing event driven
- The event driven program is a special category of programming
paradigm where control of the program execution is determined by a
number of events and there will be a set of actions for each event
to be performed.
- The events or steps in developing an event driven program are:
- Write event handler routines.
- This event is to write a subroutines or functions that
associated with the events or action to be performed on triggering
a particular event.
- Bind the event handlers to respective events.
- In first step, the action to be performed on evoking some
particular events is defined, but there won’t be any event handler
associated with it.
- In this step, the events and event handler binding is
- There can be many to many binding, that is, a number of events
can be bind to an event handler and vice versa based on program
- Developing the event driven program.
- All the requirements for an event driven program is available
from first two events.
- Here, he main function of the event driven program will be
written and it will determine the actual control of the flow.