
In: Statistics and Probability

All Time Box Office Revenues Aggregated by Months Rank Month Gross Movies Tracked 1 February, 2009...

All Time Box Office Revenues Aggregated by Months




Movies Tracked


February, 2009




February, 2010




February, 2008




February, 2004




February, 2007




February, 2003




February, 2005




February, 2006




February 2002



  1. Calculate the mean for the gross revenues.
  2. Calculate the mean for the Movies tracked.
  3. Calculate the standard deviation for the movies tracked.


Expert Solution

1. Mean for the gross revenues.

The sample size is n=9. The provided sample data along with the data required to compute the sample mean is shown in the table below:

Gross Revenue Gross Revenue2
796343640 634163192968449600
745693066 556058148680480356
659270466 434637547339857156
666141251 443744166283845001
693647238 481146490785028644
613460961 376334350671043521
692957988 480190773133008144
652426175 425659913825130625
529353345 280214963862689025
Sum = 6049294130 4.1121495475495E+18

The sample mean is computed as follows:

2. Mean for the Movies tracked.

The sample size is n=9. The provided sample data along with the data required to compute the sample mean and sample variance are shown in the table below:

Movies Tracked Movies Tracked2
161 25921
173 29929
193 37249
201 40401
176 30976
207 42849
185 34225
193 37249
98 9604
Sum = 1587 288403

The sample mean is computed as follows:

3. The standard deviation for the movies tracked.

Also, the sample variance is

Therefore, the sample standard deviation s is

Please do upvote if you are satisfied! Let me know in the comments if anything is not clear. I will reply ASAP!

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