Under the one country, two sysyems principle, Hong kong is a
Special Administrative Region and is separate from China
in all matters except the military and foreign affairs. It is rated
the most freest economy and even has a currency of its own known as
the Hong Kong Dollar.
- Unlike all other parts of China, Hong Kong follows a democratic
system, that has made it the financial hub of China.
- The lower rates of taxation,almost free services of trading
through ports as well as an established market both domestically
and internationally has invited lot of companies to be headquarted
in Hong Kong.
- At the time of the transfer of soverignity, there was a steady
GDP growth with almost over 2 billion population. But within the
past 20 years, the population and GDP growth has slowned its
- However, investors around the world look to invest in this
stock exchange and it comes second after the New York stock
- Any problems in the domestic economy has not stopped investors
from investing here, its true that during the crisis the
investments had stagnned, but it grew afterwards.
- The major investments happening in this exchange are in
- The riots that happen affected the retail and tourism sectors
of the country, but this stock exchange still gew- that doesn't
mean it wasn't affected, but it did not get affected as much as
other important sectors.
- Providing of financial information is a vital part, since that
is the primary factor that an investor looks for while investing.
We can see that the number of investors in China have only
increased, giving an implication that they get the adequate
investing information.
- The role the politics play in this cannot be ignorned, despite
claiming it to be a democratic economy, it may face some political
- We can conclude that there has been political influcences and
other external factors playing that are out of the control of a
specific firm, but from a firms' point of view Hong Kong stock
market brings in ample investing opportunities.