
In: Psychology

Judgement and Decision Making: How could this affect their IADLs , medication adherence, driving, and computer...

Judgement and Decision Making: How could this affect their IADLs , medication adherence, driving, and computer use?


Expert Solution

Judgement and decision making affect each and every activity that we perform. Before doing a task, we need to make a judgement about the conditions and after that we should make a decision. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) are the self-care activities we usually learn while growing. They require very critical and complex thinking skills. Therefore, proper judgement is required before making any decision. Organizational skills are also required for self-care activities. A good judgement about the available resources needs to be made, so that we can gain potential benefits by making right decision. For example, "Choosing appropriate clothes and getting dressed", it is a activity of daily living. Here, judgement and decision making skill is required. First of all, we need to choose a dress as per the occasion, after that we need to make a decision about which clothes to be dressed. Medication adherence is the behavior of a person corresponding to the degree to which person takes agreed medication prescribed by the doctor. In medication adherence, proper judgement about various medicines and use is required. Which medicine to use, at what time and what is the dose, all these things can be resolved by making appropriate decision. A little change in the dose of the medicine can put our life in danger. Therefore, right judgement is required for this. The judgement and decision making also affect driving. While applying brake, proper judgement about the situation is required. The brakes should be applied at right time with proper efficiency. For this, appropriate decision need to be made, after judging the situation. These skills are very much essential while driving on curves and hilly areas. Speed of vehicle can be controlled, if we can judge the surrounding situation while driving. The judgement and decision making affect computer using skills. In computer use, lot of analytical skills are required. Good judgement and decision making skills are required for performing a task on computer. For this, we need to judge the variables of the problem associated with the task. After that we make a decision for solving these problems and completing the task. If we fail to judge the problem, we can't perform the task. In this way, judgement and decision making could affect IADLs, medication adherence, driving, and computer use.

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