In: Psychology
Yes, it is right to say that the same action may be right for people in one culture or historical epoch and wrong for others. Action is a way of communication,
Communication can be verbal or nonverbal. Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, hand gestures, posture, laughing, smiling, crying, frowning and eye contact, etc. it reflects, joy, sadness, confidence, deprivation, weakness, turmoil, and pain. The person using these actions should be able to send the message clearly to the other person.
These actions are called body language because they indicate the attitude, mental condition, and behavior of the person who is sending that message and the receiver can understand what the other person wants to convey.
These actions have different meanings in different cultural making V with the middle finger and the first finger is treated as a sign of victory in the US culture, it was first used by President Richard Nixon against Vietnam war and became the symbol of victory, same V sign is a rude and insulting gesture in England and other Commonwealth nations, whereas the V as a sign is used as a sign of peace in the Japanese culture.
There are various actions like embracing in common public places is acceptable in Western culture the same action is offensive in Islamic and other Asian cultures. Sitting with the legs on the table in a relaxing position is acceptable in the US culture but it is a way of insulting and being arrogant in Japanese culture. Having an eye to eye contact during conversation is a sign of confidence in Western and American culture while in Asia and other Islamic cultures it is disrespect to the elders.
There are many actions like Thumbs up is a sign of agreement and approval in Bangladesh it is an offensive sign. In the US calling people by making a gesture with the first finger is acceptable, In Asian culture, it is a slang language and in the Philippines, one can get e arrested. The Ok sign that is made by making around with the thumb and the first finger is a sign most acceptable and commonly used in the US culture, in Brazil it is a rude sign. President Nixon made an OK sign using his thumb and the first finger when he had visited Brazil on an official tour it annoyed the people there.
To avoid any controversy one should try to understand other cultural values before making any sign language or it is better to keep quiet otherwise it can put someone in trouble without fault because the message that is conveyed through actions and no words are spoken understanding of the message depends upon how the receiver interprets it.