
In: Computer Science

I have three classes: class VolleyPlayer, class VolleyTeam and class TestDriver 1.class: public class VolleyPlayer implements...

I have three classes: class VolleyPlayer, class VolleyTeam and class TestDriver


public class VolleyPlayer implements Comparable<VolleyPlayer>
// instance variables -
private String name;
private int height;
private boolean female;

public VolleyPlayer(String name, int height, boolean female)
{ = name;
this.height = height;
this.female = female;

public String toString()
return (female ?"Female":"Male")+": "+name+" ("+height+" cm)";

public boolean isFemale()
   return female;

public boolean isMale()
   return !female;

public int getHeight()
return height;


2. class

public class VolleyPlayerTeam
private String city;
private ArrayList<VolleyPlayer>players;

* Constructor for objects of class VolleyTeam
public VolleyTeam(String city)
{ = city;
players = new ArrayList<>();

public void add(VolleyPlayer vp)

public void printVolleyTeam() {

I am stuck here .....??????



public class TestDriver
public static void test()
VolleyPlayer v1= new VolleyPlayer("Misha", 187, false);
VolleyPlayer v2 = new VolleyPlayer("Anya", 172, true);
VolleyPlayer v3= new VolleyPlayer("Andrei, 198, false);
VolleyPlayer v4 = new VolleyPlayer("Lena", 170, true);
VolleyPlayer v5= new VolleyPlayer("Vova", 195, false);

VolleyPlayer v6 = new VolleyPlayer("Dima", 198, false);

VolleyTeam vt= new VolleyTeam("Komsomol");



So my question is:

Program the printVolleyTeam method. The method should print the city the team comes from, followed by
all players sorted by gender (women before men). Within each gender, sort by height (maximum to
lowest). Try printVolleyTeam in the test method.


Expert Solution

Implementation in JAVA:


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;

// class TestDriver
public class TestDriver {

//   main method
   public static void main(String[] args) {
//       temporary lists for storing womens and mens seperately
       ArrayList<VolleyPlayer> women = new ArrayList<VolleyPlayer>();
       ArrayList<VolleyPlayer> men = new ArrayList<VolleyPlayer>();
//       create players and store it into respectative lists
       VolleyPlayer v1= new VolleyPlayer("Misha", 187, false);
       if(v1.isFemale()) {
       else {
       VolleyPlayer v2 = new VolleyPlayer("Anya", 172, true);
       if(v2.isFemale()) {
       else {
       VolleyPlayer v3= new VolleyPlayer("Andrei", 198, false);
       if(v3.isFemale()) {
       else {
       VolleyPlayer v4 = new VolleyPlayer("Lena", 170, true);
       if(v4.isFemale()) {
       else {
       VolleyPlayer v5= new VolleyPlayer("Vova", 195, false);
       if(v5.isFemale()) {
       else {
VolleyPlayer v6 = new VolleyPlayer("Dima", 198, false);
if(v6.isFemale()) {
       else {
// create object of VolleyPlayerTeam and call constructor
// with passig parameter city name
VolleyPlayerTeam vt= new VolleyPlayerTeam("Komsomol");
// call sort function for sorting womens and mens in descending order
women = sort(women);
men = sort(men);
// add them into main list
// first add women and the men
for(int i=0;i<women.size();i++) {
for(int i=0;i<men.size();i++) {
// print team name
System.out.println("\n Team : "+vt.getcity()+"\n");
// call printlist in VolleyPlayerTeam class
//   method for reverse sorting according to their heights
   public static ArrayList<VolleyPlayer> sort(ArrayList<VolleyPlayer> list){
//       declare local variables
       ArrayList<VolleyPlayer> temp = new ArrayList<>();
       ArrayList<Integer> height = new ArrayList<>();
//       store heights
       for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++) {
           VolleyPlayer vp = list.get(i);
//       reverse sort heights
       Collections.sort(height, Collections.reverseOrder());
//       fill temp list according to their heights
       for(int i=0;i<height.size();i++) {
           int h = height.get(i);
           for(int j=0;j< list.size();j++) {
               VolleyPlayer vp = list.get(j);
               if(vp.getHeight() == h) {
       return temp;


////////////////////// VolleyPlayer

class VolleyPlayer implements Comparable<VolleyPlayer>
// instance variables -
private String name;
private int height;
private boolean female;

public VolleyPlayer(String name, int height, boolean female)
{ = name;
this.height = height;
this.female = female;

public String toString()
return (female ?"Female":"Male")+": "+name+" ("+height+" cm)";

public boolean isFemale()
return female;

public boolean isMale()
return !female;

public int getHeight()
return height;

public int compareTo(VolleyPlayer o) {
   return 0;

// ///////////////////////////// class VolleyPlayerTeam
class VolleyPlayerTeam

private String city;
private ArrayList<VolleyPlayer>players;

* Constructor for objects of class VolleyTeam
* @return

public String getcity() {
   return city;

public VolleyPlayerTeam(String city)
{ = city;
players = new ArrayList<>();

public void add(VolleyPlayer vp)

public void printVolleyTeam() {

public ArrayList<VolleyPlayer> getlist(){
   return players;

public void printlist() {
   for(int i=0;i<players.size();i++) {
       VolleyPlayer vp = players.get(i);



all players sorted by gender (women before men). Within each gender, sort by height (maximum to

If you have any doubt regarding this question please ask me in commnets

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