
In: Computer Science

Can you write a small program in c++ demonstrate the use of pointer (*) & (&)....

Can you write a small program in c++ demonstrate the use of pointer (*) & (&). Can you also explain the pointer system and how to use them. Thank you.


Expert Solution

pointer :- pointer is a variable whose value is the address of another variable.

like if "P" is a pointer and it's value is "2000" and "Q" is the another variable, then if "P" holding the address of "Q". so simply we can say that "2000" is the address of variable "Q" , which is holding by "P".

for using the pointer in a program we have to remember some points :

a) we have to first define a pointer.

b) then we have to assign the address of some variable to pointer.

c) and then access the value at the address which is available in pointer variable

remember pointer is also a variable only.

here is the example:

#include <iostream>

using namspace std;

int main()


int var = 50 ; // variable

int *pointer ; //pointer variable

pointer = &var; //store the address of variable in pointer

cout<< "variable's value ";

cout<< var <<endl;

cout<< "address store in pointer";

cout<< pointer<<endl; //this gives the address of "var" which is holding by "pointer"

cout<< "value of the variable whose address hold by pointer";

cout<< *pointer <<endl; //this gives the value of "var"

return 0;


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