
In: Operations Management

In the case George W Bush v. Lakhdar Boumediene in which the government lost in a...

In the case George W Bush v. Lakhdar Boumediene in which the government lost in a close 5-4 decision.
Do you agree with the court decision? Why or why not?


Expert Solution

In the case George W Bush v. Lakhdar Boumediene which was a writ filed under habeas corpus by Lakhdar Boumediene, I completely agree with the court decision.

Guantanamo Bay has become a synonym of torture and holding people as prisoners without providing them with any right. The very foundation of the American constitution was not being followed by the US military in Guantanamo Bay.

The human rights of individuals were at jeopardy and they did not even got a chance to be presented in front of the court of law, which is ideally done in democracies.

I do not agree with the decision because it I believe it is the right of every prisoner to get a chance to be presented in court of law and keep his point, until and unless a suspect a presented in the court who has got the right to decide whether he is responsible for the crime for which he has brought in or not?

The court also in its judgement very clearly stated that it is the right of individual to be presented under the court of law but the US government has suspended it.

Since the de facto sovereignty over the territory where Guantanamo Bay is located is with the US, the honourable Supreme Court considered it as a US territory and thus the laws of the land applies there.

I completely agree with the court decision and have firm belief that everybody should have the right to keep their point in front of capable jurisdiction and the decisions of guilty or not guilty should be taken by the courts and not some government.

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