
In: Operations Management

What dangers do you see as well as beneficial applications of computers on criminology? In what...

What dangers do you see as well as beneficial applications of computers on criminology?

In what ways do you see the internet being used in forensic studies?


Expert Solution

Application of computers and computer science for criminal investigation and also legal application is termed as computer forensics. The major drawback for utilisation of Computer technology for investigating crime, is the restriction imposed, on any digital evidence being admissible in court. It is essential that all the data retrieved and analysed utilising computer systems other technical media need essentially have followed the prescribed legal procedures. Considering the fact that the very laws and procedures which govern the field have been formulated much before the advent of computers as a forensic tool. It is essential that law, like any other field, keep up with the unprecedented development in technology worldwide in order to ensure that it can be utilised optimally. This restriction of having to work within the ambit of legal rules and regulations, vastly inhibits optimal utilisation of technology to track down and convict various criminals including murderers, terrorists, as well as, rapists.

Another major drawback is that with constant updation of technology of methods such as encryption, criminals find it easier to cover up the activities and protect the identity as well as data. Internet has been utilised as a major tool for promoting and committing crime. Various terrorist organisation utilise the internet for recruiting new members, as well as, promoting the activities by using it as a communication tool. In a similar manner sexual predators of the nucleus social networking forums on the Internet to identify and stalk potential victims. This is especially true of pedophiles who find it easy to lure the victims by manipulating them through social networking applications. Murderers may also utilise computers in multiple ways to commit crime. The Blue whale game is a classic example how dangerous internet then prove to be in the hands of notorious criminals. Cyber bullying is another major negative utilisation of computers, leading to serious implications for the bullied.

One major advantage for the investigator is the lack of absolute technical knowledge of the criminals. Most criminals unaware that data when deleted from a computer's hard drive still remains on the disk in a binary format due to residual representation of data, this allows for the original file to be recovered, in spite of having been deleted from the computer. Great advancement in technology also allows for the data on a computer system to be copied without it being switched on. These contains can easily be utilised for analysis by investigators and lawyers. Global positioning system is another tool which fruits to be a major S8 for investigation by helping track suspects or criminals, leading to prevention of a major crime or the arrest of the criminal. As companies which specialise in computer forensic software have ensure that the GPS system is well equipped with all technological tools necessary for acquiring evidence through GPS. In spite of inbuilt limitations of being unable to provide much more than a list of addresses GPS software has proved it's worth. It however, has a major restriction that it cannot inform whether an address was input by the device owner intentionally, to mislead. The use of GPS to successfully track down and kill Osama Bin Laden is an excellent example of its utilisation. It has also been useful in convicting suspects of an armed bank robbery in the United Kingdom through incriminating evidence present on their vehicle's Satnav devices.

Technology makes it difficult for criminals to entirely delete all incriminating evidence and most are too impatient to Resort to encrypting all data they may utilise or store. Remote access is another technological development which can be a major hindrance investigators as it enables the device owner to wipe out all evidence from a remote location through a single action. The basic procedure to be followed is to switch off a mobile device recovered from a scene of crime, in order to conserve the battery. This in itself is also and save as simply switching off the device may cause data to be wiped off, if it is so programmed. They have been further advances in technology which protect the device from access from any outside source, there by disabling the remote wipe feature.

The major hindrance for perfect application of Technology to solve crimes and help convict criminals, is the application of the fourth and fifth amendments, which having been formulated long before advent of computers are yet applicable to the utilisation of technology as a means to prove a crime or gain conviction. Proper legal procedures made x be very ambiguous and confusing for investigators, with variance between States also. For example in certain States the policy regarding warrantless searches is very strict and searching contents of a cell phone also require a warrant, orenda any incriminating evidence obtained as inadmissible in the court. Therefore it is of utmost importance that the law understand and recognise the importance of computer forensics and device fresh legislation to implement technological advancements which can be utilised optimally, thereby achieving the major aim of any legal system of imparting Justice. With the advent of Technology Prime no longer has any borders and the next war facing the world will be of the worldwideweb not guns.

Considering the widespread use of the internet, whether it is for communication through email or social networking sites or simply browsing the internet for various uses, which provides white data of activities of any individual. Therefore utilising data retrieved from this activity, and analysis of the data received, can prove to be a priceless source of information, for convicting criminals or preventing crime. Internet forensic consists of email forensics, web forensics, as well as, network forensics. Internet forensics also helps protect a person's vulnerability from potential criminals utilising personal data of people to target them, or benefit from it otherwise.

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