In: Chemistry
Chromatography Terms
3. Fluorescne
4. phosphorescnce
5. Line spectrum
6. Ground state
7. Excitd state
8. Path Length
9.Moar Absorptivity
10. coherent Radiation
11. Monochrometer
12. Diffraction Grating
1.Transmittance = typically, the fraciton of the incident electromagnetism which will be transmnitted through a sample ( in a surface)
2.Emission = the spectrum of serverall frequencies that are "emitted" due to the trnasitions of this species. I.e. You will find
3. Fluorescne = emission of light. Typically, it must have absorbed some energy via light/electromagnetic radiaitons. it has a lower energy than the source
4. phosphorescnce = similar to fluorescence,e but it will not instantly emmit light, i.e. time must pass as contrary to fluorescence
5. Line spectrum = typical test of spectral lines formed due to excitation of electron in a species ( elements )
6. Ground state = typical "non excited" state. The most basic state, i.e. lowest energy
7. Excitd state = Higher energy state than thte ground state
8. Path Length = The lenght which will be accounted in total, this works specially in order to identify how "long" the path is for light to cross
9.Molar Absorptivity = is a property in which we measure how "well" a species will attenuate light. Also onte that this depends on poath lenght + concentration
10. coherent Radiation = the coherence is the time from the longest time scale into the intesnity of the light, and must be preiodical regarding the radiation source.
11. Monochrometer = device/equipment used to transmit light in several wavleneghts
12. Diffraction Grating = device used to split rays, useful in order to change the emission spectrum