In: Physics
Please explain and give an example:
Solving linear and quadratic equations.
Please type answer do not hand write. Thank you.
A Linear equation have the form like following.
are variables having power one.
The simplest linear equation is ax+b = 0
the solution is x = -b/a and a is not equal to zero.
where a, b are constants.
to solve linear equation means we have to find unknown values. we require n equations if there are n unknown varibales.
The equation of line y = mx+c is the example of linear equation.
Quadratric equation is defined as
Here the unknown varibale x has highest power 2. here a is not equal to zero. if a =0, then equation becomes linear equation.
we can solve the equation as follows.
Hence The quadratic equation has two solutions.
The equations of circle, ellipse, parrabola are examples of quadratic equation.
Circle equation
where (a,b) the co-ordiantes of center of circle
and r is the radius of the circle