
In: Statistics and Probability

For this assignment, please submit the answers to the following questions, as well as an Excel...

For this assignment, please submit the answers to the following questions, as well as an Excel spreadsheet which documents the work you did.

Do poets die young? According to William Butler Yeats, “She is the Gaelic muse, for she gives inspiration to those she persecutes. The Gaelic poets die young, for she is restless, and will not let them remain long on earth.” One study designed to investigate this issue examined the age at death for writers from different cultures and genders. Three categories of writers examined were novelists, poets, and nonfiction writers. The ages at death for female writers in these categories from North America are given in the dataset on blackboard (data file : Female Writers.xls). Most of the writers are from the United States, but Canadian and Mexican writers are also included.

a)   Use Excel to build a boxplot of the three associated data sets. If the population mean death ages were the same for the three populations, would you expect to see a boxplot like this? Please elaborate.
b)   Write down both the null and alternative hypothesis for the one-way ANOVA.

c)   Run the one-way ANOVA test in Excel; make sure you save this in your spreadsheet somewhere where it can be found.

d)   You will see a value for F-stat. Report this value, and explain how it is related to MSA and MSW.

e)   In general, what is a p-value? In your table, what p-value is reported, and what exactly does it mean?

f)   At the .05 level of significance, is there evidence of a difference in mean age of death among the various types of female writers? Explain your decision.

Novels Poems Nonfiction
57 88 74
90 69 86
67 78 87
56 68 68
90 72 76
72 60 73
56 50 63
90 47 78
80 74 83
74 36 86
73 87 40
86 55 75
53 68 90
72 75 47
86 78 91
82 85 94
74 69 61
60 38 83
79 58 75
80 51 89
79 72 77
77 58 86
64 84 66
72 30 97
88 79
75 90
79 66
74 45
85 70
71 48
78 31
57 43


Expert Solution

a) Boxplot:

1) Boxplot for novels:

here Q1=61 ;Median=73; Q3=80; IQ range=19; N=67 No outlier in this data

2) Boxplot for poems:

here Q1=48.5 ; Median=68: Q3=77.25; IQ range=28.75,N=32 No outlier

3) Boxplot for Nonfiction

here Q1= 69.25; Median=77.5 ; Q3=86.75 ; IQ range= 17.5; N=24 there is one outlier=40
A) Hypothesis:

Null hypothesis: H0:

Alternative hypothesis:H1: Not H0

Test statistics:


Decision rule:

Reject H0 if F> F(n-1)(n-k)0.05

Hypothesis testing using MS-excel:

Anova: Single Factor
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Novels 67 4787 71.44776 170.3419
Poems 32 2022 63.1875 299.1895
Nonfiction 24 1845 76.875 198.7228
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 2744.193 2 1372.096 6.562944 0.001973 3.071779
Within Groups 25088.07 120 209.0672
Total 27832.26 122


here F value 6.5629>3.0717 also here p-value 0.0019<0.05 so we reject H0 and conclude that there is a statistically significant difference between these three groups( Novel, poems, and nonfiction)

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