In: Math
Round 29.4996 to the nearest tenths place
Round 29.4996 to the nearest thousands place
Round 32,594.0507 to the nearest thousands place
Round 32,594.0507 to the nearest hundredths place
Round 97.8493 to the nearest whole number
Round 97.8493 to the nearest tenths place
Round 0.00086513 to the nearest hundredths place
Round0.00086513 to two significant digits
Round 0.00086513 to three significant digits
Round 0.00000021475 to three significant digits
Place value number system:
(thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, decimal, tenths, hundredths, thousandths)
#Round 29.4996 to the nearest tenths place = 29.5
29.4996 (4 is tenths place)
Next digit is 9 >5 . Hence tenths value 4 becomes 5.
#Round 29.4996 to the nearest thousands place = 0
0029.4996 ....(0 is the thousands place)
#Round 32,594.0507 to the nearest thousands place = 33,000
32,594.0507 .....(2 is the thousands place)
Next number is 594 > 500. Hence thousands place 2 become 3 followed by 000.
#Round 32,594.0507 to the nearest hundredths place = 32,594.05
32,594.0507 ...(5 is the hundredths value)
Next digit is 0 < 5.
#Round 97.8493 to the nearest whole number = 98
8 > 5. Hence value at ones place 7 becomes 8
#Round 97.8493 to the nearest tenths place = 97.8
97.8493 ....(8 is at tenths place)
Next digit is 4 < 5.
#Round 0.00086513 to the nearest hundredths place = 0.00
0.00086513 ...(0 is the hundredths place)
Next digit is 0 < 5.
#Round 0.00086513 to two significant digits = 0.00086
#Round 0.00086513 to three significant digits = 0.000865
#Round 0.00000021475 to three significant digits = 0.000000214