
In: Computer Science

Draw a use case diagram for the following scenarios: 7.40 Maximum Software is a developer and...

Draw a use case diagram for the following scenarios:


Maximum Software is a developer and supplier of software

products to individuals and businesses. As part

of their operations, Maximum provides a 1-800 help

desk line for clients who have questions about software

purchased from Maximum. When a call comes

in, an operator inquires about the nature of the call.

For calls that are not truly help desk functions, the operator

redirects the call to another unit of the company

(such as Order Processing or Billing). Because

many customer questions require in-depth knowledge

of a product, help desk consultants are organized by

product. The operator directs the call to a consultant

skilled on the software that the caller needs help

with. Because a consultant is not always immediately

available, some calls must be put into a queue for the

next available consultant. Once a consultant answers the call, the consultant determines if this is the first

call from this customer about a particular problem. If

it is, the consultant creates a new call report to keep

track of all information about the problem. If it is not

the first call about a problem, the consultant asks the

customer for a call report number and retrieves the

open call report to determine the status of the inquiry.

If the caller does not know the call report number,

the consultant collects other identifying information

such as the caller’s name, the software involved, or the

name of the consultant who has handled the previous

calls on the problem in order to conduct a search for

the appropriate call report. If a resolution of the customer’s

problem has been found, the consultant informs

the client as to what that resolution is, indicates

on the report that the customer has been notified,

and closes out the report. If resolution has not been

discovered, the consultant finds out if the consultant

who handled the previous call for this problem is on

duty. If so, he or she transfers the call to the other consultant

(or puts the call into the queue of calls waiting

to be handled by that consultant). Once the proper

consultant receives the call, that consultant records

any new details the customer may have. For continuing

problems and for new call reports, the consultant

tries to discover an answer to the problem by using

the relevant software and looking up information in

reference manuals. If the consultant can now resolve

the problem, the consultant tells the customer how

to deal with the problem and closes the call report.

Otherwise, the consultant files the report for continued

research and tells the customer that someone at

Maximum will get back to him or her, and that if the

customer discovers new information about the problem,

he or she should call Maximum with the information,

identifying the problem with a specified call

report number.

Analyze the DFDs you created in the first part of this question.

What recommendations for improvements in the

help desk system at Maximum can you make based on

this analysis? Draw new logical DFDs that represent the

requirements you would suggest for an improved help desk

system. Remember, these are to be logical DFDs, so consider

improvements independent of technology that can

be used to support the help desk.


The pharmacy at Mercy Hospital fills medical prescriptions
for all hospital patients and distributes these
medications to the nurse stations responsible for the
patients’ care. Prescriptions are written by doctors
and sent to the pharmacy. A pharmacy technician reviews
each prescription and sends it to the appropriate
pharmacy station. Prescriptions for drugs that must be
formulated (made on-site) are sent to the lab station,
prescriptions for off-the-shelf drugs are sent to the
shelving station, and prescriptions for narcotics are
sent to the secure station. At each station, a pharmacist
reviews the order, checks the patient’s file to determine
the appropriateness of the prescription, and fills
the order if the dosage is at a safe level and it will not
negatively interact with the other medications or allergies
indicated in the patient’s file. If the pharmacist
does not fill the order, the prescribing doctor is contacted
to discuss the situation. In this case, the order
may ultimately be filled, or the doctor may write another
prescription depending on the outcome of the
discussion. Once filled, a prescription label is generated
listing the patient’s name, the drug type and dosage,
an expiration date, and any special instructions.
The label is placed on the drug container, and the
order is sent to the appropriate nurse station. The patient’s
admission number, the drug type and amount
dispensed, and the cost of the prescription are then
sent to the Billing department.

Government Solutions Company (GSC) sells computer
equipment to federal government agencies.
Whenever a federal agency needs to purchase equipment
from GSC, it issues a purchase order against
a standing contract previously negotiated with the
company. GSC holds several standing contracts with
various federal agencies. When a purchase order is received
by GSC’s contracting officer, the contract number
referenced on the purchase order is entered into
the contract database. Using information from the database,
the contracting officer reviews the terms and
conditions of the contract and determines whether
the purchase order is valid. The purchase order is
valid if the contract has not expired, the type of equipment
ordered is listed on the original contract, and
the total cost of the equipment does not exceed a predetermined
limit. If the purchase order is not valid,
the contracting officer sends the purchase order back

to the requesting agency with a letter stating why the
purchase order cannot be filled, and a copy of the letter
is filed. If the purchase order is valid, the contracting
officer enters the purchase order number into the
contract database and flags the order as outstanding.
The purchase order is then sent to the Order Fulfillment
department. Here the inventory is checked for
each item ordered. If any items are not in stock, the
Order Fulfillment department creates a report listing
the items not in stock and attaches it to the purchase
order. All purchase orders are forwarded to the warehouse,
where the items in stock are pulled from the
shelves and shipped to the customer. The warehouse
then attaches to the purchase order a copy of the shipping
bill listing the items shipped and sends it to the
contracting officer. If all items were shipped, the contracting
officer closes the outstanding purchase order
record in the database. The purchase order, shipping
bill, and exception report (if attached) are then filed
in the contracts office.


Expert Solution

Use case diagrams:



(i) Three actors customer, operator and consultant does the tasks in the entire system which are described in the above use case diagram. The customer places an call to the help desk and he/she can be notified about the solution of the problem.

(ii) The operator inquery about the nature of the call and after that redirects the call to the consultant. The consultant receives the call and after collecting the required information creates or updates the call report. As collecting information is a part of answering calls that's why it is represented using include. Same as the above updating call report is included in the task creating call report.

(iii) If any relevant solution is found in for the call the consultant notifys the customer about that and closes the report. If not found then the call of the customer is redirected to another consultant.



(i) The actors in the above use case diagram of the pharmacy are Doctor, Pharmacy technician and pharmacist. The doctor writes prescription for the patients in the hospital. After reviewing the prescription the technician sends it to the pharmacy station.

(ii) The pharmacist again reviews the order and checks for the patient file. After verifying it, the pharmacist places fills the order does not fills the order. The doctor discusses the prescription and if possible writes the prescription again.



(i) There are three actors in the use case and they are federal agency which are also the customers of the system, contracts officer and warehouse. Each tasks performed by the actors are represented as separately.

(ii) The agency issues purchase order and receives the shipped order. The contracts offices after receiving a purchase order verifies it with different database checks. After entering contract number in the database, the terms and conditions are verified. Then for validity check some other details are also cross checked.

(iii) If the order does not satisfy the conditions then it is send backed to the customer otherwise it is flagged as outstanding and after completing all the required steps the order is closed from the database. The warehouse ships the order to the customer and bill with details are also sent to the contract officer by the warehourse.

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