
In: Computer Science

Create a struct MenuItem containing fields for name (a string) and price (a float) of a...

  1. Create a struct MenuItem containing fields for name (a string) and price (a float) of a menu item for a diner. Create a ReadItem() function that takes an istream and a MenuItem (both by reference) and prompts the user for the fields of the MenuItem, loading the values into the struct's fields. Create a PrintItem() function that takes an output stream (by reference) and a MenuItem (by value) and prints the MenuItem fields to the stream in a reasonable one-line format. Create a main() that declares a MenuItem struct, calls ReadItem(), then calls PrintItem(). Test with a few different items.
  2. Make another program modified to include an array of 10 MenuItem structs. Modify ReadItem() to not prompt for, but instead just read the data for a struct field-by-field, and call it once for each MenuItem. Then call PrintItem() for each struct to create a menu. Use files, opened and closed in main(), for all input and output. Create a test file with the 10 items and prices, and test with it. Send me the test file and the output file.
  3. Make another program modified so that after it reads the MenuItems from the file (as per part 2), it prints a menu (on the screen) for the user, collects an order, and prints a diner check. You should not have to modify PrintItem(). Write a function that takes the array of MenuItems and an array of ints, prints the menu (number the items 1 through 10), and then loops, prompting the user to select items until they have either selected all 10 items on the menu or entered -1 to indicate they are through ordering. Don't allow the user to select an item that isn't on the menu or an item they have already selected. You may assume the user will enter at least one valid selection. Keep the user's selections in the array of integers. Return the number of entries the user made. Then print a diner check with the items the user selected and the total price of the meal. Use another function to print the check, passing the two arrays, the number of items selected, and the output stream to the function. Use the PrintItem() function to print the items, both on the check and on the menu. You may assume no tax. Print all output to the screen.


If you use an istream & for an input stream parameter, you may pass either cin or an input file handle to a function. Similarly, if you use an ostream & for an output stream parameter, you may pass in either cout or an output file handle to the function. The only restriction is that you may only use operations that would work on cin or cout in the function. For example, you may not open() or close()inside the function.

You may use either C-strings or C++ string objects for the menu item names. Use multi-word item names like "bacon cheeseburger" not just "cheeseburger". To read a C-string containing white space characters, use

in.getline( data, MAX, '\n' );

where in is either cin or an input file handle (or a parameter of istream & type), data is an array of char at least MAX+1 in length, MAX is the maximum number of characters to read from the input stream, and '\n' is the character at which to stop reading. To read a C++ string object containing white space characters, use

getline( in, data );

where in is either cin or an input file handle (or a parameter of istream & type) and data is a C++ string object. Here, you don't have to worry about the maximum length of the string being read.

On Windows, after extracting a number, you will need to call in.ignore(); to get rid of the newline before you try another getline(). Do this inside the ReadItem() function before it returns. To number the items in the third exercise, print the number before calling PrintItem(). PrintItem() should not end the line itself. You might not need to do this on Mac or Linux systems.

This is for introduction to C++ please don't make code complex. add comments for methods.


Expert Solution

you can find the output of the code in the sceenshot provided below.Thank you




#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

//declaring structure for item name and price

struct Menu_Item


string name;

float price;


// function for input

void Read_Item(istream&, Menu_Item&);

//function for output

void Print_Item(ostream&,Menu_Item);

//function for receiving items

int get_Order(Menu_Item[],int[]);

//function to recheck the ordered items

void print_Check(Menu_Item[],int[],int,ostream&);

int main()


Menu_Item order1[10];

ifstream in;

ofstream out;

int i1=0,chosenvalue,options[10];

//opening the menu file you have to write it."C:/Users/j/Desktop/menu.txt");   


{ cout<<"could not open the file\n";


cout<<"Welcome Restaurant\n My menu items\n Item\t price\n";


//reads items in menu file



{cout<<i1+1<<". ";







return 0;


void print_Check(Menu_Item order1[],int options[],int items1,ostream& out)

{int i1;

float sum=0;

out<<"\n\n Restaurant\n";





//printing up to two digits so that it prints .00 value eg Rs10.00


out<<"\n\ntotal due \t"<<"Rs"<<sum<<endl;


int get_Order(Menu_Item menu[],int options[])

{int n1,m1=0;

bool chosenvalue[10]={false},data;


{cout<<"please Enter order item number(-1 to exit): ";



return m1;


{cout<<"invalid \n";

cout<<"please Enter order item number: ";




{ cout<<"you've already choosed\n";

cout<<"please Enter order item number: ";




cout<<"Enter order item number: ";









void Read_Item(istream& in, Menu_Item& order1)

{getline(in, );




void Print_Item(ostream& out,Menu_Item a1)




Thank you..!!

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